Chapter 10

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Weayaya POV
Heading to the creek alone, I took my time washing up since most of the tribe had already finished. While cleansing myself, I pondered the events of the day. It began with a search for something, which unexpectedly led me to find exactly what I sought, though it required chasing after it.

Strangely, despite my initial intention to harm whatever I found, upon meeting her, I felt an undeniable urge not to harm her. A persistent whisper echoed in my mind, goading me not to kill her. Even during our chase all I could hear was a repeating of don't kill her thrumming through my head.

When she finally stopped and confronted me, that thought continued to echo. I couldn't quite comprehend why and ever since it happened I hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. The thought was constantly floating around in my mind.

Despite knowing what happened the last time we welcomed foreigners into our midst, I couldn't resist following my heart.
Besides, she embodied everything I desired in a partner – strength, intelligence, and unapologetic honesty.

She reminded me so much of my own mother, who had a commanding presence and adeptly managed the tribe when my father was away fighting our enemies. Under her watchful eye, every need of the tribe was met.

I longed for my parents and felt the weight of their sacrifice. It compelled me to become the best leader my tribe had ever known, remaining steadfast and resolute in my decisions. I was determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Thus, I bravely took Rokiyah into our tribe, accepting whatever consequences might follow.

Leaving the creek, I let the cool night air dry my body as I made my way back to my tipi. Inside, my sister had laid out clothes for me, knowing we were to visit the medicine man and celebrate a festivity. For this occasion, I dressed in a special outfit crafted from deer fur, adorned with intricate embroidery, tassels, and beadwork.

The long-sleeved top had a star embroidered on the back and was accompanied by a pair of long pants that also complemented the top. Lastly I put on a pair of embroidered moccasins.

With my clothing in place, my sister came to my tent and skillfully braided my hair, incorporating feathers, beads, and tassels, while also painting my face with markings befitting my warrior status, symbolizing the gratitude to the sun spirit for guiding me on my journey.

Once prepared, I stepped out of the tent and made my way to Hotas' tipi. He, too, wore attire similar to mine, but his painted eyes and face were done in black and white, whereas mine were a mix of red and white.
On my way to the hill where the medicine man resided (Mighty wolf), I encountered my grandparents, my sister, and Rokiyah.

Despite the darkness of the night, Rokiyah's radiance was undeniable, her skin gleaming under the moonlight. I couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty, taking in every aspect of her appearance. Surprisingly, she looked stunning in my sister's clothes, even though the effect she had on them was entirely different.

As we stood together, I noticed how the bath had cleansed her skin and revealed her true beauty. Our eyes met, and she observed me just as intensely as I did her, savoring the moment with deliberate attention. It felt like an electric charge surged between us as our gaze locked.

I observed as little bear (Hota) also gazed at her, and she returned the look. However, his eyes conveyed not attraction but rather an assessing scrutiny of Rokiayah the woman whose arrival had ignited a flurry of rumors throughout the camp.

After his appraisal, his eyes met mine, and he nodded in approval. I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, for I was already aware of her beauty. But there was something more to her than just her beauty. The question lingering in my mind, though, was whether she was the one.

As we ascended the hill, both of us turned away, but secretly, my gaze remained fixed on her every movement. I observed as she stood, engrossed in everything happening around her—the dances, the rituals conducted by the medicine man.

However, her world suddenly froze when the medicine man pointed directly at her, drawing all eyes towards her.

Without hesitation, I carefully guided her through the crowd, ensuring not to disturb anyone on our way to the medicine man. I could feel her trembling hand in mine, a sign of her nervousness, yet I refused to let go.
Standing beside the medicine man, he revealed the oracle he had received.

As the crowd absorbed the message, confusion clouded Rokiyah's features since she couldn't comprehend our native language.

Although I was taken aback by what the medicine man said, I masked my surprise and shock, not wanting to frighten Rokiyah. When the medicine man finished, she turned to me, seeking an explanation of his words. So, I relayed the gist of the oracle to her.

According to the medicine man, he believed that Rokiyah hailed from a world different from ours, possessing a radiant spirit composed purely of light. Furthermore, she was seen as a warrior destined to bring immense assistance to whoever she chose to marry.

The medicine man believed she would introduce unseen wonders and abundance to our community. However, refusing marriage or returning to her own home would be akin to relinquishing her own existence.

Although I added some details, I provided her with a mostly accurate summary of the medicine man's words. Her expression displayed a mix of shock and confusion as the words sank in. Before I could react, she had moved away from my side and found a seat. Though I wanted to approach her and talk, my duty demanded that I participate in the ceremony's dance.

Eagerly, I swirled around the fire, the vibrant beats of the drums and chants of the people fueling my energy. With every step, I praised the spirits, grateful for finding what I had sought, vowing to protect and care for her. If I failed in this promise, I even offered myself to the spirits. After an intense dance, the drums ceased, and I rested, completely drained, my heart pounding, and sweat drenching my body.

Next, the unmarried young men and women revealed their interests by placing a blanket over their chosen partners, allowing them privacy to converse away from prying eyes. To my surprise, my sister participated, and I watched with curiosity to see who had captured her attention. She chose Sly Fox, a silent but esteemed warrior in our tribe. As they walked away for a private talk, I continued to observe, my focus now on someone else—Rokiyah.

There she sat, drawing her legs close to her body, gazing up at the stars—a breathtaking sight. I wondered what thoughts occupied her mind. My eyes remained fixed on her, yearning for a connection, but she never turned my way.

Never before had I encountered a woman like her. She intrigued and challenged me like no one else ever had. Her boldness and straightforwardness were remarkable, and she fearlessly met my gaze whenever we spoke or exchanged glances. Unlike most who were intimidated by me, she sized me up just as intently as I did her.

Her self-assured demeanor had enthralled me, drawing me into her orbit. Lost in these thoughts, I found myself interrupted by one of the tribe's women, Chapa, who arrived bearing a plate of food and a container of water. I greeted her with a grateful smile and accepted the offering, and then I proceeded to eat.

As I smiled at Chapa, she blushed and turned away, her swift departure leading her back to her friends, who eagerly awaited her. They exchanged smiles and giggles as she rejoined them. Chapa possessed undeniable beauty—a round face, long, dark brown hair, and a slender yet shapely figure, the very qualities many sought in a potential spouse.

However, despite our attempts at conversation, there existed no real connection between us. Unlike many of the men in my tribe, I had refrained from hastily entering into a relationship, opting instead to carefully select the person with whom I would build a life and family. I had witnessed the consequences of giving oneself to the wrong person, as one of my friends had done, leading to a life filled with misery and numerous affairs.

I had no desire for such a fate; one woman was all I needed. Returning my focus to Rokiyah, I continued to observe her, convinced that I had found the one. However, I understood that she too needed to feel the same way. Attraction and love could never be coerced; they were, and always would be, natural and unforced. Absolutely, you can pursue and desire someone endlessly, but if they don't share those feelings, it's unlikely to change. Their heart will always be searching for the one they genuinely desire.

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