Chapter 15

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Rokiayah's Perspective

After Weayaya departed, I rose from my furs, my cheeks flushed red, and my heart raced in my chest. The realization of him carrying me, consciously allowing it this time, overwhelmed me. While I had been carried in unconsciously before, this experience was entirely different.

My heart, stay calm. We can't linger here forever; we must return to our true home, our family. Avoid attachments, savor the moment, and when the time comes, run without looking back. Guard against opening up to love prematurely, preventing unnecessary pain.

Mentally coaching myself, a gentle voice whispered, "Rest, my child." Startled, I recognized the Holy Spirit speaking. It was time to be silent and receptive, waiting for insights into my unseen predicament.
The Lord's timing was impeccable, though I struggled to grasp the notion of resting in this situation.

Yet, resisting God's guidance was futile. If He said "Rest," that's precisely what I would do, acknowledging His supreme power and purpose. And maybe once I did I would be set free from this situation.But who was I kidding I don't think I would know the meaning of true freeness if it hit
me in the face.

Free meaning 1- "not imprisoned or confined"
Free meaning 2- "not controlled by obligation
or the will of another"
Free meaning 3- "Not controlled by another
country or political power; independent" 

Even with the definition of free in mind I knew that I would always have to fight for the freedom that Christ talked about. Even though I also knew true freedom was only found in Christ.

In this world anything and everything would try to prevent me or anyone from receiving that.  For in order to receive his freedom we have to walk in the way that he walked, and that's not easy feet to do.

Which made me reflect on the conversation Weayaya and I had. Pondering on why I should return to a life of even more obligations and bondage. Daily, I faced the obligation to work merely to survive, realizing the profound dependence on money for basic necessities.

Contrasting this with the new place where family, culture, love and community where the back bone of this society. Here I could build my shelter, work the land for sustenance, and live without the constant burden of not only financial-obligations.

As that impacted everything I was able to do in my society. I hated it but it was what I had grown accustomed to. Not forgetting that my skin color determined before I was even born that I would be the lowest in society.

I questioned if this Weayaya's way of life in fact, the essence of God's original plan for humanity.I mean it had to be we could see it reflected in Genesis. When God first created man (Adam) he created him in his image. The Lord also provided Adam with a help mate from his own rib (Eve).

Also He had a personal relationship with his creation walking with Adam in the cool of the day throughout the garden. He gave them domain over the animals and even gave them free reign over the garden.

Everything in the garden Adam and Eve could touch and eat from except for one tree. Which he prohibited them from to protect them from the knowledge of good and evil. In which both Adam and Eve where tempted by the snake (Satan) to eat from and which they did. Resulting in all the problems in society today.

But even still in that God was good and fair. He knew that we would keep failing and so he sent his son so that if we believed in him we would have eternal life and be with him forever.

Saying all that to say that God's original plan was for us to live as one under Him. Adam and Eve had no financial obligation and their only work was to explore the land the Hod have freely given to them to enjoy.

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