10.Bag full of surprises

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Shout-out to simpleconcinnity44

Callum's POV

I was still very shocked by what Natalia said. Was she really getting engaged?

She looked scared and was panicking really bad. I held her close to my chest and she put her hands around me, holding to me real tight.

I patted her back while muttering in her ear that she'll be alright and I wouldn't let her get engaged.

We stayed like that for a while before the door swung open and her manager entered.

"Talia, I- Callum, what're you doing here?" She asked looking at me surprised.

"I came because Natalia called me crying." I replied and looked down at my mate who released herself from my chest to look up at her manager.

"Wh..where did you go?" Natalia asked slightly shaking near me. Her manager came to us and knelt before her.

She wrapped her arms around Natalia and started stroking her back softly.

I already like this woman because she takes such good care of my mate.

"Shh, it's gonna be alright okay?" She said to Natalia and Natalia just nodded.

"I went to his house to try talking him into breaking the engagement but he was adamant and furious. But don't worry, I won't let you get engaged." She continued and Natalia looked up at her.

"But how is that gonna happen?" Natalia asked her, her voice breaking slightly at the last part.

"Don't worry we'll think of a way."


The vehicle finally stopped in front of a huge mansion.

I looked at Natalia who was sitting beside me. She looked beautiful wearing that dark purple prom dress and light makeup.

Her hair was up in a tight bun with a few black curls hovering around her forehead.

Her manager who's name I'd learnt was Skylar also looked beautiful in her red dress and loose brown curls but her but her beauty was no match for my mate's.

The car's door was opened by a man in black suit and he bowed slightly. What era is this? The Medieval era?

I got out anyway and stretched out my hand for Natalia to take.

She gave me a small smile and took my hand.

We turned to face the large rows of cameras flashing on our faces. They couldn't get to us though about twenty bodyguards were on either side of the red carpet laid all the way to the large double doors.

We walked in hand in hand and Sky following behind us. The mansion was beautiful on the inside.

We were met to a ball like room filled with people wearing all the colours of dresses and suits you could think of.

At the sides of the room were tables and chairs.

An elderly man and a middle aged woman walked up to us, their arms interlocked. A young girl about 20 years was trailing behind them.

The man looked fairly handsome for his age. He wore a black tuxedo with his black hair neatly combed.

The lady beside him looked like Cinderella's stepmother from her black dress to her spooky makeup and brown hair that was placed in a plaited bun that looked really heavy with all that hair ornaments.

The girl looked like the younger version of the lady. From the same brown hair to evil looking face. She was disgusting me to my core by sending me winks and stupid smiles.

Azure wanted a release now but I controlled him well. Now wasn't the time for this. Not here in front of all these humans.

"Welcome my dear daughter." The man said smiling at Natalia. Natalia looked composed and elegant.

All her fears and worry long gone. She squeezed my hand tightly and I could feel the anger brewing in her by just the way she looked at her father.

"Who's this gentleman by the way?" Her father continued when Natalia didn't give him a response.

"Oh Cal? He's someone special. You'll find out soon enough." She replied giving him a fake smile.

"Is he...your boyfriend?" The woman beside her father asked frowning.

Natalia was going to say something when two men appeared.

"Natalia." The younger man said smiling cheekily.

Natalia sighed and Skylar grunted from behind us.

"How glad I am to see you, last time at dinner you just walked passed me." The man said standing too close to Natalia. I pulled her back slightly to create space between them.

The man raised his eyebrow at me and looked at our interlocked hands.

"Who are you? And why are you holding on to my fiancee?" He asked.

I just gave him a bored look and smiled tauntingly at him.

Before he could say anything, Natalia's father interrupted by clapping his hands.

"Alright, Natalia's already here. Let the occasion begin." He said loudly for all to hear.

He told Natalia and the other guy to go up the stage and they did.

Let the party begin. I thought smiling.

Skylar came beside me and we both watched knowing what was to come.

The guy whose name was Ezra, how I knew? Well it's pretty obvious because just there on the stage was a big banner with the words, 'Welcome to Ezra Gantzler and Natalia Quinn's engagement party.'

Ezra was now giving a speech about his love and dedication to Natalia and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

These two clearly weren't in love. While it was lust from one party, it was sheer disgust from the other.

After his boring short speech, it was Natalia's turn to give her speech and I couldn't wait to see the looks on everyone especially her father's face as I knew what was coming next.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." She started steadily. The media had gotten in now flashing camera lights on their faces.

"Thank you all for coming to my engagement party with Mr Gantzler here. It's a very happy occasion and am more than delighted.

Because am so happy today, I've prepared a surprise for you all." She looked at Skylar and Skylar nodded.

I could see the confusion written all over her father's face.

Skylar tapped away on her phone and soon the projector screen displayed pictures of Ezra and Natalia's step sister, Mira in a very intimate position.

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