23.Wedding Drama and some truth

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Natalia's POV

"Talia!" I heard Sky's booming voice as she entered the large hall.

My heart skipped a beat and I turned to Callum who was standing beside me.

I could tell he was also shocked to see Sky.

How did she find out about this? Did that mean that everyone else knew?

"Skylar." Callum addressed as she walked towards us.

"I see I wasn't invited." Sky said bitterness clear in her voice. A pang of guilt hit my heart as I saw the pain reflecting in her eyes.

By now, a lot of the guests had left but a few who were still around were now all watching the scene unfold.

"Sky....I.... I-" I tried to explain but she cut me off immediately.

"Oh save it Natalia. I don't even need your darn excuses right now."

"Skylar I get you're upset but this is not the most convenient place to talk about this. Let's get home first please." Callum said and Sky seemed to understand as she now went quiet.

Callum gave his vote of thanks as well and the programme was called to an end.

Christy, Caleb, Angeline and Asher walked towards us and greeted Sky but she just scorned at them.


"Well now I guess it's go time?" Asher broke the awkward silence.

"I'm not going anywhere with any of you. My coming here was simple. I've come to take Natalia home with me and I don't care what any of you have to say about that." Sky said and grabbed my wrist.

"Sky what are you talking about, I can't just leave with you like that-"

"Why not? Because you got married behind my back or because you've been lying to me all this time?" She said and let go of my wrist.

Well at least now I knew she knows I got married but did she know about werewolves? I hope not.

"Skylar I think it's best if we all sit and talk about this." Callum said.

"I get you're upset but we can all talk about this right?" Christy added but knowing Sky, this would only piss her off more.

"All I need is for you guys to answer this one question." Sky said. "What are you guys really?" She continued and I felt Callum stiffen beside me.

"We're people just like you!" Caleb was quick to answer, I knew Sky wouldn't believe him.

"What kind of people exactly? Because I swear you guys don't exist in the records of America but yet you all live in America.

And even when I tried tracking your location, it wasn't in the map, so please tell me what you guys really are and what you need with Natalia." Sky said.

I looked between Callum and Asher then Angeline and Christy. They all looked frazzled. Even the ever calm Caleb was looking disputed right now.

It was silent for a while before Callum spoke up.

"We're werewolves."

Skylar's POV

When Natalia told me she was going to her grandma's for sometime, I was really confused as to why but she never really explained why.

I also didn't understand why Callum started frequenting the company not only that, he literally followed Natalia anywhere she went.

It was really adorable at first but then I started asking myself certain questions.

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