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The children arrived later that day.

It was a busy day for everyone, including Celine and her assistants who settled down in the mansion, and Mr. and Mrs. Red who volunteered to help for the day. The children arrived in three carriages including Mr. Jose, the physician who owned the clinic in the capital as well as the young boy and little girl who stayed with them.

The mansion was filled with laughter and joy that day. Many hands joined together to put the mansion together. The older kids helped in washing and hanging the sheets, the little children helped in wiping out the furniture that haven't been cleaned and Nadia's assistants help take care of the toddlers.

Morgan and Bjorn lifted the mattresses for the children's beds and the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Red baked bread in the kitchen with Emma. Every single one of them had their hands full and everyone ate together at a single table that day.

At first, Nadia and her assistants were surprised that her highness, the princess worked and ate with them but Emma talked to them and asked for a favor to hide the fact that Tatiana is the princess. It was hard pretending at first but they eventually got used to it and went on with their day.

"Where do we place this?" Bjorn asked while holding on to a large box-like shape covered in brown paper. Morgan was also on the other side of the thing and holding on to it.

"What is that?" Tatiana asked and took a peek. Her eyes widened when she saw a familiar device that was similar to what the real world has.

"It's an oven!" she squealed in joy, "did the duke give that?! Oh gosh! That goes in the kitchen!"

The two guys followed her instruction and brought it into the kitchen. She wondered how much that cost or if it is common in every household to have things like the oven. She was lucky that the author fused some modern things with the fictional world she's living in right now.

She was looking around for things to do and check. The whole mansion was finally coming together and she can't wait to see it finish with the details. The ambiance is much brighter and more vibrant than the first time they arrived. It is full of life and giggles and voices of children.

She just wishes she had this kind of life growing up, having a nice home, lucky to eat three meals a day plus snacks, and an adult who truly cares for them. But even if did not have that kind of life, she is more than happy to provide it for other kids as well.

Later that night, when the children are fast asleep in their rooms, the adults decided to eat together in the kitchen and have a drink.

"I haven't had a drink like this with people in ages," Mr. Red said, his cheeks flushed red.

"It's happy to be with people who are my age," Nadia said and laughed, "it's tiring to be with young people all the time."

"That's true!" Mrs. Red agreed, "I can't catch up with their energy."

Nadia winked and agreed with Mrs. Red, their glasses clinked with each other. Nadia's assistants, Faye and Loyd turned out to be siblings that Nadia took in the Duke's mansion. They worked since they were fifteen and now they are in their mid-twenties. Nadia was supposed to retire and leave the Duke's mansion but when the Duke offered a position in the orphanage, Nadia gladly accepted and the siblings followed after her.

"You won't be staying here, then?" Faye asked Emma with tears in her eyes. Emma laughed nervously and shook her head.

"No, I will be going with her highness after the preparations for the orphanage are done. She will be busy preparing for her coming of age."

Faye sobbed, the poor girl is already drunk. "I'll miss you, very much. I never had a friend like you. I know we just met but I feel a connection, you know?"

"Yes, yes," Emma agreed and laughed it off, "I will come to visit you whenever I am free."

Faye's eyes glistened with tears and clasped Emma's hands.

"I will wait for you!" she wailed, "I will wait for my one and only friend!"

"And so, I was told, that the dragons living near the mountains are trying to make their way here!" Loyd hollered, holding a glass of liquor in his hand. He was sitting on the bench facing Morgan.

"And did you know? Hic" the undead are coming for us!" he cried and stood upon the bench. Morgan rested his head on the table, his vision doubled and everything looked like a bunch of swords. Even Loyd who was facing him looked like he had a sword as his head.

Morgan was a light drinker and when he drank with the other knights, he is always the first one to get knocked out.

"Settle down, boy!" Nadia pulled Loyd down by the collar. "this is why I always tell you not to drink! Your sister cries and you keep talking about weird things!"

"But it is true Aunt Nadia!" Loyd wailed, "they are coming for us!"

The others laughed at their silliness. Drinking always brought out the funny in people and made others feel light and happy.

"Ay, this bottle's almost done!" Mr. Red raised the nearly empty jar. It was already midnight but for some reason, they still wanted to drink and laugh some more.

"I'll handle that!" said Emma standing up, "we have peach wine, made and fermented from the best! wait—where was it?"

Emma stood up, feeling dizzy and her body swaying from side to side. She looked up at the cabinet where the wine bottle was supposed to be but it wasn't there anymore. Her forehead creased and looked around, maybe her eyes were just messing with her.

Bjorn entered the kitchen, the princess cradled in his arms and he did not look happy.

"Is this what you're looking for?" he asked, placing the half-empty jar on the table.

"Huh?" Emma sobbed and walked over to where the jar was, "why is it half-empty?"

She looked up and saw the princess smiling with a red face. Her arms were draped around Bjorn's neck very tightly.


"She must have thought that it was plain juice."



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