Ch. 5

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Pinot Gris.

No better way to celebrate!

Yet it's pathetic that I have no one to share it with.

I mean, at twenty-six my life shouldn't suck this much!

I might not be the best looking grape in the bunch, but I'm not that bad looking.

Ok, so my character has flaws, quite a few actually, but that's ok every one has them.

Flaws make a good love story. (Oh how he loves me in spite of my imperfections...sigh)

Speaking of love story, it's time to do mine.

I need a plan.

Operation Dylandra (see what I did there... Our couple name :)

I got up from my bar stool and went to the sit on the couch by the coffee table.

If I kept up my drinking, I would have a killer hangover in the morning.

With a pen and notepad in hand, I jotted down step 1.


Step 1: The mechanics of flirting


It's amazing the lengths that people go to get what they want.

I like heels. I really do. I try not to go above 5 inches.

Currently, I'm making my way into the office in some 8 inch pumps and the tightest dress I could find.

I had to add a blazer to by ensemble to tone down the hooker effect.

When I reached my desk, I leaned over to turn on my computer.

I could feel the presence of someone from behind me.

I smirked as I thought that Dylan had come to get another taste of what happened yesterday.

I slowly straightened up and gently backed up against him. I moved my hips a little from side to side letting my behind rub against his leg.

"Alex, what the heck are you doing?"

I jumped away startled. Dylan was standing at the side of my desk with a disapproving look on his face.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

Then it hit me!

If Dylan was standing there, then who was behind me?

I slowly turned around to see Ted, the head of our IT department all red in the face.

" Ted....I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you." I quickly apologized.

"I-it's ok... I'm fine. I guess..uh..I'll come back some other time."

And with that he shuffled away with a prominent reminder of what I had done showing.

"Alex, my office now!" Dylan barked.

I walked behind of him as he lead the way to his office.

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