Chapter 1

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"Baba! Can we play?" The nine year old Hua Ying asked peeking his head into his Baba's office, Lord wind master, Shi Qingxuan was also there. "Later okay, A'Ying?" The heavenly emperor Xie Lian said focusing wholely on the papers on his desk. "You said that..." the boy trailed off noticing his baba not focused, even his aunt Shi Qingxuan was busy talking to someone to the spiritual communication array.

Hua Ying left the office closing the door softly behind him, letting out a sigh. Zhengyi, a spiritual lion that was given to him on his fourth birthday made its way to him. Noticing his master was sad it holled up to Hua Ying's legs, trying to make him feel better. "I'm alright Zhengyi" Hua ying whispered walking away from the office, making his way to his quarters in the heavenly palace.

The boys boots were making a noise in the quiet place, he was wearing the same outfit his A'Die, Hua Cheng wore everytime he wasn't in his San Lang form. But Hua Ying's outfit was white and red, with white being the whole outfit.

He flopped onto his bed, Hua Ying was tired of playing alone all the time since he turned four. Atleast at that age his parents made the afternoon all about family but now that he was nine, it was like he didn't exist at all.

Hua Ying had already asked his A'Die to atleast have lunch with him with it was futile, he had been shouted at when he raised his tone because he thought his A'Die couldn't hear him.

Hua Ying started to cry, his child heart couldn't handle the neglect. Zhengyi panicked and turned into a full grown spiritual lion, curling himself onto his master giving the child some comfort. A few hours of staying like that Hua Ying turned close to Zhengyi. Hua Ying got up after a while taking the Quanqing pouch on his side table, which his parents packed for him when they needed to travel but was deemed useless to this day.

"Zhengyi, let's go" Hua Ying ordered, this wasn't the first time he rode on his spiritual lion but was this would be the first time he had gone somewhere with him. Just as Zhengyi was ready to take flight and jump out of the large windows in His Ying's room a voice called out.

"Young master, His highness have told me to call you for dinner" Yin Yu, the Waning Moon Officer of Hua Cheng had came and was supposed to fetch him. "I'm not hungry!" Hua Ying yelled out letting anger lace his voice to know he didn't want to be disturbed. 'not like A'die and Baba would eat with me anyway'. With that he ordered Zhengyi to take flight, which was what the Lion did. Soaring into the sky until he suddenly dived down into the clouds. Opening a portal to the mortal realm.

This was probably a bad idea but Hua Ying could care less. Landing in an alley Zhengyi turned into a brown cat, jumping to Hua Ying's shoulder. "Let's go explore" Hua Ying walked out the alley, but not before discarding the chiming tassels on his boots, storing them in his pouch. Now only the tassels from his clothes chimed which was quieter.

Taking hold of his hand fan he held it infront of his face, Hua Ying had completely forgot about his vailed hat. But thankfully the red veil he wore on the daily coved his face. Walking a few ways into the village Hua Ying came across its market, which was buzzling with people. Taking sight of the almost setting sun Hua Ying went to the market.

"Madame, May i ask how much this is?" Hua Ying asked holding a matching tassel set. It was two bunnies black and white who resembled the yin and yang circle. There were two parts of it and it can be take apart or reconnect. "I'll give it to you for free, young master" the woman replied before saying. "That tassel pair had been with me since I started my business here in Caiyi".

Hua Ying was surprised that he was given the tassel, but his pure heart can't just take something that was meant to be payed so he thanked the woman, secretly placing two silver yuanbao on where the tassel was placed and headed on his way.


"Young master, you really should come out and eat lunch, i have talked to your parents about this. They said they would accompany you" Yin Yu was growing anxious, this was the third time he had came back and forth from the dining room to Hua Ying's quarters.

"Had he really not been responding?" Xie Lian and Hua Cheng was now there, walking towards the door. "No your highness" Yin Yu replied, stepping aside to let the couple talk to their child. "A'Ying? Open the door dewdrop" Xie Lian called out but was met with silence. "Ying-er open the door" Hua Cheng tried knocking on the massive door for good measure but noone answered, not even a growl came from Zhengyi, which they were sure was accompanying their little Xianle. "Something wrong.." Hua Cheng busted the door open, he didn't care about privacy or etiquette now. "A'Ying?" Xie Lian called out but was met with an empty room with the window wide open. "Where is he?!" Xie Lian started to panick, there were no signs that their Xianle was taken so he rammed the bedside table, noticing the Quanqing pouch was gone.

"Calm down gege, I'll find him" Hua Cheng stated making a zillion wraith butterflies appear, ordering each and one of them to find Hua Ying. "He couldn't have gotten far" taking hold of Xie Lian, Hua Cheng manuvered them out the room, going to enlighten their A'Ying's huge supply of Uncle's and Aunties.


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