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Thursday morning Honor was over at Rory and Logan's apartment. She and Rory were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee.

"While you're here, we have something to tell you" Rory said

"Are you pregnant?" Honor asked, hopefully

"How did you know?" Logan asked

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, it's a yes" Rory smiled

"Oh, my god, finally!" Honor stood up and hugged Rory "how are you gonna tell them?"

They both knew that Honor was talking about Mitchum and Shira

"He's gonna do it by himself" Rory said and put her hand on Logan's shoulder "because I refuse to cry in front of them, and if they react like I think they will, I'm gonna cry, because I have no control over my emotions at the moment"

"Ah yes...the joys of pregnancy" Honor joked "just wait a couple more weeks until the baby's pressing on your bladder and you have to pee every 20 minutes"

"Honor!" Logan exclaimed

"I'm sorry, but it's true"


Knowing that Rory hadn't been feeling well the past few days, Logan made sure that she'd be able to sleep late on Friday. Around 9:30 Rory's phone rang, waking her up.

"I was sleeping" Rory grumbled

"Sorry" Lorelai said "you're always up by now, so I figured it was ok to call"

"It's fine"

"Why are you still in bed? Don't you have to work?"

"I've been sick all week, and not sleeping great, so Logan insisted that he can take care of everything this morning so I can get some extra rest"

"You've been sick? Why didn't I know that? What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant...?"

"Oh, I thought you meant like the flu or something"

"Nope. Just pregnant"

"Speaking of which, are you telling your grandparents tonight?"

"As much as I don't want to, I think I'm going to"

"Why don't you want to?"

"I said this to Logan. That telling them that I'm pregnant is basically saying 'hey! Guess what. I had sex!' and it's weird"

"Then you shouldn't tell them that it was by accident. Wait, was it by accident, or were you trying to get pregnant? Why didn't I ask you this before?"

"It was intentional, and should I be offended that you assumed that I got pregnant by accident?"

"You just never told me that you were trying to get pregnant. When did you guys decide to have a baby?"

"Um...I don't remember exactly. It took a while, though. Probably around October 2010"

"Wow, so like a long time"

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