8 weeks old

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Before Rory and Logan knew it, 3 weeks had passed and it was the day of graces evaluation to see if she could get the implants.

Rory and Logan were woken up early, by Grace crying.

"I'll get her, you get Nicky?" Rory asked


While Rory was feeding Grace, Logan started to get Nicky up and ready.

"Good morning, buddy" Logan said

"Hi daddy" Nicky smiled

Logan picked Nicky up and snuggled him for a minute before bringing him into the bathroom and sitting him on the counter.

"Here you go" Logan handed Nicky his toothbrush that he had already put the toothpaste on "make sure you brush really well"

About a minute later, Nicky swallowed the toothpaste.

"You're supposed to spit!" Logan laughed and ruffled Nicky's hair

"Oopsie" Nicky giggled

"Come on, let's get you dressed"

A little while later Rory and Logan met in the kitchen. Rory put Grace down in a bassinet and Logan put Nicky on a chair at the island. 

"Good morning bubba" Rory kissed the top of Nicky's head

"Good Mormon" Nicky said

Rory laughed "morning"

"Mornum" Nicky said

"Sure" Rory chuckled and ruffled Nicky's hair

After dropping Nicky off with Stephanie, Rory and Logan made it to Grace's appointment.

After the tests Rory and Logan were sitting in the audiologists office with Grace.

"So..." Dr. Addams started "Grace is a candidate for cochlear implants. She has to be at least 8 months old to have the surgery, but I'd like to go ahead and schedule it now"

"Ok" Logan nodded

"I'm gonna go ahead and put it on the schedule for March 6th. Is that ok?"

"Yes, thank you" Rory said

"In the meantime, I want you to be aware that because she can't hear, she likely won't start to babble like a typical baby would. That's fine, babies who get the implants, while behind on speech, do eventually catch up"

Rory and Logan nodded

"Now, I understand you're learning sign language?"


"Good, continue that, and use it with her" Dr Addams said "I also recommend that your older child learn it as well. He's very young so it should be easy for him. You can sign when you talk with him and he should start to pick it up. In Addition..."


A few days later Christopher and his girlfriend, who he'd been dating for a couple of years, Ashley came to visit.

Cristopher was walking around the living room, holding Grace.

"So she really can't hear anything?" Chris asked

"Not a thing" Rory said

"Is it amazing to not have to worry about Nicky waking her?" Ashley asked

"Oh, my god, yes!" Rory exhaled I was so nervous about that, because he just turned 3 and has no concept of quiet"

"Mommy!" Nicky came running into the living room

"I see what you mean" Ashley chuckled

Rory nodded then turned her attention to Nicky "what do you need?" She asked both speaking and signing

"Water please" Nicky said

"Your cup is on the table" Rory said and signed

"So you're doing sign language, too?" Christopher asked

"Yeah, Logan and I took a course and we've been spending an hour a day, after we put Nicky to bed, where we only sign" Rory told them "and we want Nicky to learn also so we're using it when we talk to him"

"Oh, I should learn, too" Chris said "where did you take the course?"

"We did one through the doctor's office, for parents of deaf kids, but mom's learning also so I'm sure you could ask her where"

Grace started fussing

"I'll take her" Rory said. She took Grace from Christopher and gently rocked her

A little while later Logan stepped off the elevator and walked into the living room.

"Hey" Logan said

"Hi" Christopher and asked said

"Nicky" Logan leaned down and kissed the top of Nicky's head "Ace" He put his hand on Rory's arm and kissed her "frosty" He kissed Grace's forehead before walking into the kitchen

"I thought we were done with that nickname!" Rory called out after him

"Force of habit!"

Rory smiled and rolled her eyes

"Frosty?" Ashley asked 

"We did IVF" Rory said

"I don't get it..."

"When you do IVF they freeze the eggs after that fertilize them" Rory explained "before we knew that she was a girl, Logan had been calling her frosty"

"It's cute" Logan said as he walked back into the room with a glass of water and sat down next to Rory

"It's horrible" Rory said


That night Rory and Logan were woken up at 3am by Grace crying.

"One thing I definitely didn't miss about having a baby..." Rory said as she got up to get Grace "waking up in the middle of the night to feed them"

"Same here" Logan said "I mean I know I'm not the one feeding them but-"

"You're still getting woken up every 3 hours" Rory interjected

Rory fed Grace and they went back to sleep.

Later that morning Nicky came into the room before the alarm went off.

He walked over to the bassinet and peaked over the edge "hi Gracie" He whispered. He walked around the bed to Logan and talked his nose "daddy" he whispered

Logan opened his eyes and put his finger over his mouth. Nicky nodded. Logan lifted him up and put him in the bed, between him and Rory. Nicky snuggled up against Rory and without opening her eyes, she wrapped her arm around him.

"Mama?" Nicky whispered


"Are you sleeping?"

"Yes" Rory said "and you should be too, it's early"

"Night night, mama"

"Night night, baby"

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