August 2016

174 7 2

About a week after Nicky turned 4 Rory and Logan decided to get Nicky one more, very special gift.

Lorelai and Luke over at Rory and Logan's apartment one Saturday.

"Gracie, can you say grandma?" Lorelai asked "how about mama? Can you say mama?"

"She can't say it, but she can sign it" Logan told her 

"Do you know when she'll talk?" Luke asked

"We don't know that she will" Rory said "if she does it'll be whenever she's ready"

"Grandma, the shopping cart took Grace's ears" Nicky giggled

"What does that even mean?" Luke asked

"We were in the supermarket this morning and one of her processors got stuck on the shopping cart" Logan said "she also learned how to take them off"

"Oh, I bet that's fun" Lorelai chuckled

"Oh yeah, nothing more fun than your one year old throwing around 70,000 dollar medical equipment like it's a toy" Rory said sarcastically

A little while later Lorelai and Nicky were sitting on the rug playing a memory game.

"A snail" Nicky said when he flipped over a card "and a..." He flipped over another "dog" He flipped both cards back over

"Ok, I have a cat" Lorelai said as ace flipped a card "and...another cat! I got a match"

"That's the best one" Nicky said

"Why's that?"

"Because I love cats"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, and I like the cat cafe, because then we can go play with them"

"Hey Nicky, why don't you take a break from that and come over here for a second?" Logan said

Nicky got up and went over to Logan who was sitting on the couch.

"Alright, you sit right here" Logan stood up and put Nicky in the spot where he'd been sitting

"We have a very special surprise for you" Rory said

"What is it?" Nicky asked

"It's upstairs" Rory said "daddy's gonna go get it"

Logan went upstairs and Rory had Nicky close his eyes. A minute later Logan walked into the room with a small kitten.

"Are you ready?" Logan asked

"Mhmm" Nicky nodded

"This is a present for your birthday" Logan said "it's just a little late"


"Alright bubba, hold your hands out" Rory said

Nicky held his hands and Logan touched the kitten to his hands just enough so Nicky could feel it.

"Ok..." Logan said "open your eyes"

Nicky opened his eyes and gasped "I get a cat?!"

"You get a cat" Rory smiled

Logan put the kitten on Nicky's lap so he could hold him.

"What's his name?" Nicky asked

"You get to decide" Rory said

"I think his name is teddy, because he looks like a teddy bear"

"Alright then" Logan said "Teddy the cat"


The next weekend Julie and Emma came over.

"Nicky! Emma's here!" Logan called out when the intercom buzzed

AN: reminder that if Emma is in the room then they're signing as well as talking.

"I'm coming!" Nicky shouted from upstairs

"Hi guys" Logan said when Julie and Emma stepped off the elevator "Nicky will be down in a second"

"Ok" Julie said

"Do you guys want anything?" Logan asked "water? Juice? Coffee?"

"We're ok, thanks"

"Hi Emma" Nicky said when he got downstairs

Emma waved

"Do you wanna see my new cat?"

"You have a cat?" Emma asked

"I got him for my birthday" Nicky said "his name is Teddy"

"Can I see him?"

"Yeah, he's upstairs"

Both kids went upstairs

"How are you guys doing?" Julie asked

"We're good" Logan said "how about you?"

"Emma's great. I'm a nervous wreck" Julie chuckled 

"I can imagine"

"How's Grace doing with the implants?"

"She wears them most of the time now" Logan said "and she's starting to try to talk a little more, which is great"

"That is great"


That night, before getting into bed, Rory checked on Grace and Nicky. When she looked into Nicky's room she saw him asleep, snuggled up with Teddy.

"Logan" Rory said excitedly when she walked into the bedroom "cutest thing ever, Nicky's asleep, cuddling the cat"

Logan smiled and put his hands on Rory's waist

"Has anyone ever told you what an amazing mother you are?"


"I'm serious" Logan said "I love getting to watch you with them. The way you talk to them, the way you talk about them, the way you look at them. It's amazing, and I don't think you hear it enough"

"Are you trying to make me cry?" Rory chuckled

Logan laughed and kissed her "I love you, Ace"

"I love you too"


AN: this is the kitten

AN: this is the kitten

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