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4 weeks later...

"Mommy, I need help" Nicky said

"What do you need help with?" Rory asked

"I can't open it" Nicky said and held up his sippy cup

"Bubba, it's supposed to stay closed so it won't spill" Rory said, not understanding why he wanted to open it "drink from the straw"

"I want it to be a cup" Nicky said

"I'll give you a regular cup, but you have to keep it in the kitchen, ok?"

"Ok" Nicky smiled

Later that night Logan gave Nicky a bath and put him to bed.

"Goodnight, buddy" Logan said and kissed Nicky's forehead "I love you"

"Goodnight daddy"

Logan turned off the light, grabbed the baby monitor, and left the room, closing the door behind him. He went downstairs to where Rory was reading on the couch and sat down next to her. Logan put his arm around Rory, shower her to lean into him.

"I'm nervous" Rory exhaled

"Me too"

"What if it doesn't work?" Rory asked "or worse, what if it does, and I have another miscarriage? Or what if-"

"Ace, you gotta stop" Logan interrupted her "it's gonna be fine. Whatever happens, it'll be ok"


The next day Rory and Logan were back in Dr Williams' office.

"Before we get started I'm gonna go over everything again" Dr Williams said "The procedure will take about 25 minutes. Afterwards you might experience some cramping and bleeding, this is totally normal and nothing to worry about. You'll come back in 10 days and we'll do a blood test and an ultrasound. I don't recommend you take a pregnancy test for at least 5 days, but you should know that until 10 days after the transfer, a negative test can be wrong"

"Ok" Rory exhaled

"Do you want me to walk you through the procedure again?"

Rory shook her head "I know how it goes. You can just start"

"Alright then"


A few days later Rory, Logan, and Nicky had dinner with Lorelai, Luke, Richard, and Emily. Rory told Lorelai that they had been doing fertility treatments but not that they were doing IVF. She didn't tell Richard and Emily anything, but she wasn't hiding the fact that she wasn't drinking.

Rory and Logan arrived before Lorelai and Luke. Logan was carrying Nicky. They greeted Richard and Emily before sitting down.

"Scotch, Logan?" Richard asked

"Yes, thank you" Logan said

"And Rory, would I be right to assume that you aren't drinking?"

"Yes" Rory nodded

"Soda it is then" Richard said

A little while later Lorelai and Luke arrived. They greeted everyone, got their drinks, and sat down.

"Rory, what were you saying?" Emily asked. Rory had been saying something when Lorelai and Luke walked in

"I...Don't remember" Rory said

"Texas paper" Logan reminded her

"Right" Rory nodded "we bought this really tiny newspaper in Texas and we're gonna make it an online paper"

"Hey, that's cool" Lorelai said

"You should do that with the Stars Hollow gazette" Luke chimed in "I bet someone might actually read it then"

"I don't think the people Stars Hollow would really appreciate that" Rory chuckled

"Daddy" Nicky whispered and tapped Logan's leg

"Yeah buddy"

"I want string cheese"

"I don't have string cheese right now" Logan told him

"Actually we have" Richard said went into the kitchen

"You guys have string cheese?" Lorelai asked in disbelief

"We got it for Nicky" Emily said "every time you guys are here he asks for it and we never have. This week I got some, knowing that you were coming"

"This child would live off string cheese if we let him" Rory chuckled

"I like string cheese" Nicky said

"Here you go" Richard said as he walked back into the room and handed Nicky a string cheese

"Fank you" Nicky smiled

"Aww, I'm gonna miss that when he learns how to make the th sound" Lorelai said "that and the way he says w's instead of r's"

"I know, right? It's so cute" Rory said

"What's cute?" Nicky asked. Being 2 years old he hasn't really been paying attention.

"You" Rory stand and kissed Nicky's forehead

"Anyone ever tell you that he looks exactly like a mini Logan?" Luke asked

"Oh yeah" Rory nodded "all the time"


The night before Rory's follow up appointment, she decided to take a pregnancy test.

Rory and Logan were standing in the bathroom, waiting for the results.

"Ace, you're shaking" Logan said and put his hands on Rory's shoulders

"I'm so nervous"

"Come here" Logan wrapped his arms around Rory and pulled her in close

"My heart's beating so fast" Rory said. She took Logan's hand and put it over her heart

Just then the timer went off.

Rory glanced at the test and then looked at Logan. "It's negative"

"That doesn't mean anything" Logan reminded her

"I know. I know. The home test usually can't pick it up this early" Rory said "I was still hoping it would be positive, though"

"I know" Logan sighed "me too"

The next day they went to their doctor's appointment. In an attempt to not get her hopes up, Rory had convinced herself that she wasn't pregnant. After a nurse drew Rory's blood, the doctor came in.

"Hi Rory" Dr. Williams said "how are you feeling?"

"Nervous" Rory exhaled

"Then I won't keep you waiting any longer"

The doctor did the ultrasound and then wiped the gel off Rory's stomach.

"Everything looks good, and someone should be in any minute with your lab results which will tell us for sure"

A few minutes later a nurse came in with Rory's lab results.

"Rory..." Dr Williams started after looking at the results

"It didn't work, right?" Rory said "I knew it"

"I didn't say that" Dr. Williams said

"It's ok. I know it didn't work. Just say it"

"Ace, let her talk"

"Rory..." Dr Williams smiled "The blood test and ultrasound confirm that today, October 23rd 2014, you are pregnant"

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