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A couple of weeks later Rory, Logan, Lorelai, and Luke were all at the Gilmore house for Friday night dinner. Lorelai had already told Rory, but she and Luke had some news.

Once everyone was sitting, with their drinks, Emily started the conversation by asking about Rory, as she'd done at every Friday night dinner since finding out that Rory was pregnant.

"So, Rory, how far along are you, now?" Emily asked

"27 weeks"

"And you're feeling well?" Richard asked

"Yeah" Rory nodded "well, physically at least"

Lorelai chuckled "you're almost done which means that you have to start thinking about how that baby's actually getting out, right?"


"No way around it, kid. It's gonna hurt like hell"

"Lorelai!" Luke exclaimed

"I'm not gonna lie to my daughter"

Noticing that the current conversation was making Rory nervous, Logan changed the subject "why don't we talk about something else?"

"Yeah" Rory agreed "mom, don't you have some very exciting news for grandma and grandpa?"

"Actually yes..." Lorelai said "you can all save the date, June 3rd 2013, because that's when Luke and I are getting married"

"What did you just say?" Emily asked

"That Luke and I are getting married"

"That's wonderful news! Congratulations!" Emily got up to hug Lorelai and Richard did the same. Rory already knew but she wanted to congratulate them again. She started to get up but Lorelai stopped her. "No. Sit. I'll come to you"

"Why does everyone act like I'm gonna fall apart as soon as I stand up?" Rory asked as she hugged Lorelai

"Ok, I have champagne for everyone" Richard said and brought over a tray with 6 champagne glasses "except Rory. You get the bubbly apple stuff"

"Here's to Lorelai and Luke" Emily said and raised her glass

"Finally" Rory added


A few days later Logan walked upstairs and on his way into the bedroom to get ready for bed, and saw Rory out of the corner of his eye, sitting on the floor in the nursery, surrounded by baby stuff.

"What are you doing?" Logan asked

"What's todays date?"

"May 31st. Why?"

"That means we have less than 3 months" Rory mumbled to herself

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to figure out what's missing"

"Nothing's missing. We got everything"

"No we didn't"

"I'm pretty sure we did. We got everything on the list that the doctor gave us, everything on the list that Honor gave us, and everything on the list that Lane gave us. I'm sure we have everything"

Rory didn't say anything but she threw the onesie that Honor got them, that said 'my mommy is always right' at him

"Look around you, Ace" Logan said "everything we need to change the baby, feed the baby, dress the baby...It's all there"

"Socks" Rory exclaimed "we don't have baby socks!"

"Of course we have baby socks"

"Did you buy baby socks? Because I didn't buy any baby socks"

"Do we really not have socks?"

"You're looking at all of the baby stuff. Do you see socks?"

"I'll go get in the morning" Logan said


"You ready to go to sleep?"

"I have to put all this away first"

"Leave it. We'll do it tomorrow. It's late"


The next day, Rory and Logan had just finished a meeting, and we're still hanging around the conference room.

"Feeling ok?" Logan asked

"Let's make a deal" Rory said. She stopped what she was doing and turned to face Logan "if I'm not feeling ok, I'll tell you, and you don't ask me how I'm feeling a hundred times a day"

"Am I annoying you?"

"Just a little. And I know it's because you care, but if I was feeling fine 10 minutes ago, I think it's safe to assume that I'm fine now"

"I'll back off"

"Thank you"

"But you know it's because I love you, right?" Logan asked and put his hand on Rory's shoulder

"I know"

"Good" Logan leaned forward and kissed her

Rory started saying something but was interrupted by a knock at the door

"Come in!"

The door opened and Shira walked in, causing Rory to subconsciously take a few steps back.

"Logan, Rory...nice to see you"

"What are you doing here?" Logan asked

"Rory, you look wonderful" Shira said, ignoring Logan's question. She took a few steps closer to Rory and held her hand out near Rory's belly "May I?"

"No" Rory said, bluntly and took a step back

"Excuse me?" Shira asked, clearly having not expected that answer

"I said no. I don't want you touching me"

"That's my grandson"

"I don't care"

"You have no right-" Shira started but Rory interrupted her

"I'm gonna stop you, right there" Rory interrupted her "I have every right. Putting aside The way you've treated me. It's my body, and pregnant or not, I have the right to decide who I want touching me. I think you should leave"

Shira looked at Logan

"You heard her" Logan said

Once Shira left Rory turned to face Logan. She buried her face in his chest and just cried into him. Logan reached over and closed the blinds on the windows, so Rory didn't have to worry about being at work. He wrapped his arms around her and just held her while she cried.

"That was incredible" Logan said and kissed the top of Rory's head

"I just yelled at your mom" Rory said, still crying

"She deserved it"


Later that night the hand got together for their weekly movie night. This time at Finn's apartment.

"I would've paid so much to see that" Colin said

"It was amazing" Logan smiled, he wrapped his arm around Rory's shoulders and pulled her into him

"No" Rory groaned

"30 years, I've been alive, I've never seen my mother speechless" Logan said

"I'm sorry" Ethan, Rosemary's boyfriend interjected "why do you hate your mother?"

"It's a long story" Logan said

"But it ends with them telling his parents that she's pregnant and his mother accusing her of sleeping with someone else" Juliet said

"That's horrible" Ethan said

"Yes, it is"

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