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Rory didn't leave the house for the rest of the week. She hadn't been feeling the greatest but, she'd promised Emily that they'd be at Friday night dinner. On Thursday Luke came by to pick up Paul Anka.

They sat in the car, in the Gilmore's driveway. Rory needed a moment to try and make sure that she wouldn't fall apart as soon as they walked in.

"Ace, I don't wanna rush you, but we're gonna be late"

"I didn't tell my mom" Rory said "as far as she knows, I'm pregnant, and we're planning on telling my grandparents tonight"

Logan put his hand on Rory's leg

"I don't wanna have to tell her" Rory started tearing up

"It might be best to just do it and get it out of the way" Logan said "rip off the bandaid"

"I don't want my grandparents to know" Rory said "The only people who need to know are the people who knew that I was pregnant. You, me, Honor, and my mom. That's it"

"If that's what you want"

They went inside and were greeted by the maid, who took their coats and sent them into the living room. They greeted everyone before sitting down. Rory had Nicky on her lap.

"Usual drinks for you both?" Richard asked

"Yes, thank you" Logan said

"Actually, I'll just have soda" Rory said "I'm driving"

Rory had used that excuse a lot when she was first trying to get pregnant, and wasn't ready to tell anyone yet. Lorelai however, was still under the impression that Rory was pregnant and gave her a knowing smile.

"Of course" Richard said

Richard gave Rory and Logan their drinks. Rory put Nicky on the rug and gave him a toy from the diaper bag.

"Where was I?" Emily asked. She had been saying something before Rory and Logan arrived.

"Henry and Camilla Owens" Lorelai reminded her

"Right" Emily said "so they're denying it, but that baby was born 6 months after the wedding, and everyone knows that they only got married because she got pregnant"

Logan squeezed Rory's knee

"Oh, and Evelyn Wexford's granddaughter had her baby. I saw a picture, and it must have been the ugliest baby I've ever seen in my life" Emily continued

"Maybe you shouldn't be making fun of babies" Rory said

"Yeah, all babies come out a little ugly" Lorelai said

"Theirs didn't" Emily gestured to Rory and Logan "Nicky was adorable from day one, and I'm sure the next one will be, too"

Rory and Logan looked at each other and then Rory looked down at her feet.

"I'm sorry" Emily apologized "I didn't mean to assume anything"

"No um...it's ok" Rory said, her voice breaking a little. The conversation about babies had been difficult for Rory to listen to, but she was fine until the mention of her having another baby. "I uh...excuse me" she got up and went into the bathroom.

"Can you just keep an eye on him for a minute" Logan asked Lorelai and gestured to Nicky, as he stood up "I'll be right back" He said and followed Rory.

"What's going on with them?" Emily asked

"I don't know" Lorelai said. Still under the impression that Rory was pregnant, she assumed that Rory was nauseous and vomiting.

Rory was leaning on the edge of the sink, watching the water run when Logan knocked and came into the bathroom "I can't do this" Rory said, hyperventilating "It's too hard"

"I know" Logan sighed "that conversation was bad timing"

"It's not just that" Rory said "It's everything. And my mom keeps looking at me like we're 13 and she knows some stupid secret"

Logan turned the water off and wrapped his arms around Rory. They said like that for a moment until they heard Nicky screaming.

"Go" Rory said

"Are you sure?"

"He's upset because we left the room. Go back in there, I'll join you in a soon"


After Logan left the bathroom, Rory went and sat in Richard's study.

Logan walked back into the living room to see Lorelai holding Nicky, trying to calm him down.

"What's wrong, bubba?" Logan said as he took Nicky from Lorelai

"Is everything ok?" Lorelai asked

"Everything's fine" Logan said and gently rocked Nicky

Nobody believed him but nobody said anything.

A moment later the maid came out and told them that dinner was ready.

"Should we wait for Rory?" Emily asked

"Its ok" Logan said "she'll join us when she's ready"

About a minute after they all sat down Rory walked in and sat next to Logan.

"Is everything alright?" Richard asked


"I'm sorry if I upset you" Emily said

"No! It's not uh...It's not you" Rory said "but I do think that I owe you guys an explanation" she looked at Logan who rubbed her shoulder and took a deep breath "almost 2 weeks ago, I found out that I was pregnant" she started tearing up "but earlier this week, when I had my doctor's appointment she told me that uh..." she wiped away the tears that escaped her eyes "wow, this is a lot harder to actually say out loud, than I thought it would be" she took a shaky breath "she told me that I was pregnant, but that there was...there was no heartbeat" she sniffled and wiped her eyes "but I don't really wanna talk about it, so...that's it"

Nobody knew what to do or say, everyone just looked at Rory and Logan. The room was silent for what felt like forever.

"Ok, I really need somebody to speak" Rory said

"I'm so sorry" Luke said

"Are you alright?" Emily asked

"Physically, I'm fine" Rory said "mentally...I think we're both gonna need some time"

Lorelai stood up and walked around the table to where Rory was sitting. She wrapped her arms around her, and didn't let go.

"I am so, so sorry" Lorelai said softly


That night when they got home Logan needed to check on something for work, so Rory put Nicky to bed.

"Good night, bubba" Rory said as she put Nicky down, in his crib "sleep tight" Rory left the room and went into her and Logan's room, where Logan was sitting up in bed, working on his laptop. Rory climbed into bed next to him and he put the laptop on the bedside table, so he could wrap his arms around her.

"You ok?" Logan asked

"No" Rory sighed "but I think I feel a little better now than I did this morning. You?"


"We'll get through it" Rory said "it'll get better"

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