Chapter Twelve

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It's been about a week, and thankfully Andrei has been on the road since his little accident.

I have never thanked my doctor enough for putting me on birth control to regulate my irregular periods. And thankfully, I wasn't pregnant. But that doesn't make me want to forget about Andrei forgetting to slip out. He dodged a bullet, yet I haven't told him about the good news.

Him and the Hurricanes come back from a road trip through the Central Division and Canada, first playing the Arizona Coyotes, then the St. Louis Blues, then finally made their way up to Canada to play the Ottawa Senators. Now they're coming home, still undefeated.

"You guys had one hell of a road trip," I told my brother as he let me into his house. He had invited me over to help him clean the house a bit before Whitney got there, since she was kind of a clean freak.

He chuckled, closing the door behind me. "Svech was acting weird the entire time. I've never seen him speak so much Russian in a few days," he told me, which kind of confused me.

"You expect me to know the answer to that?" I asked Jaccob, who was probably looking for some response as to why Andrei was acting weird. I had somewhat of an idea why he was acting that way, but I didn't want to tell Jaccob that. He was already infuriated that I was dating Andrei in the first place, and if he found out that he had come inside of me, he'd lose everything.

He raised an eyebrow. "Well, Andrei is your boyfriend, is he not?" he questioned as we walked up the stairs and to his kitchen.

I shrugged. "I dunno. I haven't really talked to him in a few days," I responded. "Since you guys were on that road trip,"

"That's probably why Svech was acting weird. You're not talking to him. Are you not seeing him anymore?" my brother asked, taking a water bottle out of the fridge and taking a small sip.

I shrugged again, sighing. "I am, it's just...something happened that we're both ashamed of," I muttered, leaning my back against the counter.

Jaccob looked at me in even more confusion. "Other than your relationship, I don't see what you two should be ashamed of," he responded. "What happened?"

I glanced into my brother's innocent, brown eyes. Something was telling me to tell him what was wrong; all he wanted to know was why his teammate had been acting weird all throughout their past road trip.

But another part of me wanted to choose life and rather lie about the situation.

I sighed again. "Do you really want to know?" I asked Jaccob.

He nodded his head. "Considering you're acting kinda weird too, I'd love to know," he responded.

I gulped.

"Well, after the San Jose game, I drove to Andrei's house and we hung out for a little bit. That hangout became a dirty makeout, then, well," I muttered, almost choking on the tightening knot that was in my throat.

"Good lord," Jaccob complained, rubbing his eyes. "You guys had sex again,"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, we did. And I took off the condom," I continued, then I could see my brother's eyes widen to the size of large plates.

His jaw slightly dropped. "Did know..." he started, but could never spew out what he was gonna say.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, however you want to interpret the situation, I knew what he wanted to say.

"Unfortunately, he did." I said.

Jaccob's jaw dropped to the floor, speechless.

"Fuck," he groaned. "Are you pregnant? Do you think you are? Do I need to take you to the hospital? Good God, I'm gonna kill that Russian son of a bitch," he spat.

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