Chapter Twenty-one

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For Andrei's birthday, which was coming up in about two days, I wanted to surprise him even more than what he did for mine.

Since at the time of my birthday I was pregnant with our child before being killed in the car crash I got involved in February, I thought maybe we could take care of another living being that takes the spot of where our now dead unborn child had in our hearts. Andrei's always been talking about getting a puppy, more specifically a goldendoodle or a black lab, but he thinks he doesn't have the time to take care of it while he's playing hockey for eight or nine months of the year. We haven't really sat down and talked about it, but I know he really wants a puppy. And, I've been wanting one as well without telling him.

Thankfully, the Hurricanes didn't have a game today, but they had one tomorrow then got on a flight to Dallas to the Stars the next day on his birthday. So today would be the best day to surprise him with his birthday present.

Before heading over to the animal shelter to pick up our new puppy, I stopped by the pet store nearby and bought some essentials to surprise Andrei first, like dog food and some toys, plus of course some puppy pads. I also bought a medium-sized dog bed, but most likely the puppy will sleep with Andrei and I on the first night with all the excitement running in her veins.

I bought a black collar and matching leash, then after buying everything for the puppy, I headed over to the animal shelter.

While I was driving, I felt my Apple Watch vibrate, then noticed that Andrei was trying to call me. The Hurricanes also didn't have practice today, Coach gave them the day off.

"I'm driving," I told him.

"I figured. Where are you?" he asked.

I glanced in my left side mirror, then back out the window. "I'm getting groceries. I want to have alfredo tonight," I responded, which I said was a lie, and turned right on the road the animal shelter was on.

He chuckled. "Right, you're out wasting my money," he joked.

I rolled my eyes. "We don't have a joint card, dumbass. What I make is what I'm spending," I retorted, slowing down for the speed bumps.

"Right. I'll see you when you get home," he said, then hung up.

I groaned, pulling into the parking lot to the animal shelter.

I parked my car, then headed inside.

Once I entered, I was bombarded with the amount of barking from the dogs and meowing from the cats, plus some chirping of birds and squeaks of guinea pigs.

I walked up to the front desk and the lady asked me what I needed.

"Hi, I'm Delilah Slavin, I'm here to pick up Leah," I told her, then she clicked her fingers on the keyboard to look up my name and paperwork that I have already filled out.

"Oh yes, right this way," she says, then leads me down a hall to where Leah was playing with other puppies and litters.

She looked really happy and excited after the lady called her over.

Leah was a seven week old goldendoodle puppy, and she had magnificent deep, brown eyes, much like Andrei's.

The lady picks Leah up and scratches her on her neck, causing her to smile and pant.

"She's a really good dog. I hope you and Leah will develop a healthy and fun relationship," she says as we begin to walk down the hallway we came out of and back to the front of the shelter.

She gently hands her to me, and immediately Leah looked at me like she knew what was happening.

"She looks like she doesn't want to leave," I chuckled, then Leah whimpered.

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