author's note and acknowledgements 🤍

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well. that's a wrap on Delilah's story.

I loved writing this story. Sad to see it end, and I originally was going to end it with Andrei proposing to her but I decided to throw in the wedding as an epilogue so everything comes full circle.

Thank you to everyone who had voted, commented, and read "behind your back." I seriously appreciated every bit of support, and that's the reason why I kept on writing and publishing new chapters. Vielen Dank <3
^ Thank you so much in German ;)

Anyways, I don't think I'm publishing anything for a while now. If anything, it might be my original (interference, go check it out!) and my Matthew Boldy fic that I put off yet again. I started a chapter for that, but then I get caught up with school and everything spirals downhill from there lol

Are you guys ready for hockey to start again???!!! It's preseason the time I'm publishing this, and so far the Minnesota Wild are 1-1. Big yikes, maybe I should switch my fandom to become a Canes fan 😂

I'm just kidding. DeterMNation!!!

Anyways, it's been so much fun writing this story, like I said before. Again, thank you to everyone who has or had supported my work in the past, and until next time.

— Salty

behind your back ~ andrei svechnikovWhere stories live. Discover now