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Peace Found In God

At times we may perceive

The tasks with which we are entrusted

As impossible to do devotedly;

Challenges we may not handle well.

Some days we desire

To quit; what is the point of life

When one problem comes after the other?

Will things ever truly get better?

Or is that what others say

In an attempt to ease the pain

In our hearts; white lies

To relieve us, rendering us blind?

But when we place all of our burdens

In the hands of the Lord,

We cannot be shaken;

We shall reach heights of splendor.

Every hardship, every adversity

That we undergo in this world;

With the help of the Almighty,

We can carry on and endure.

The greatest shield to have

Through happy and through sad;

With Him, we can make the impossible

Happen; we can make mountains crumble.

Though we are only human,

We derive our strength

From the One Who can do all things;

Peace found in God is the greatest blessing.

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