Half knowledge

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"Mr. Jeon!"

"Director Han"

The older man smiled his smile lines appearing more prominently.

"Mr. Jeon I am so glad you agreed to be on my show. With your recent schedule I didn't know if you could have time for a small show like us."

"You are funny Director Han, of course I would make time for you after all you are my favourite."

"Ha ha ha ha."
"Hyeongsunim" (older brother's wife)

"Jimin!! I brought you some pastries."

Ever since Jimin started to live alone each morning his sister-in-law or his brother would drop by saying that they were on the way to work and wanted to see him. He lived on the outskirts of the city, his house wasn't on the way to their work, they would have to leave their home alteast 1 hour early to visit him and make it back to the city in time. So he knew they were lying but he never confronted them about it, he actually felt his heart warm a little everytime.

"I was on my way when I saw them it remained me of you so I brought them.

Lilly was half Korean and half Scottish. She met Hoseok on a business trip four years ago and they quickly fell in love, they have been married for almost three years now.

"Thank you...you didn't have to."

"Oh come on Jimin don't be so polite we are family afterall and I wanted to make sure you aren't mopping around anymore it's been two weeks already since you left him but you are stuck if you want to move on at least show some sincerity and do it properly. You haven't come out of this house even once what are you even planning to do?"

Jimin bowed his head not responding for a long time.


Lilly turned to face him. She didn't get to know Jimin much before she married Hoseok but she cared about him and hated seeing him shutting everything out.

"I am sorry hyeongsunim I will do better."

"I have already talked to your previous agent and told them you want to make a come back soon. They were more than happy to accept you back. He will be contacting you soon..."


"No buts Jimin! You will got out there and do what you always dreamt of. You are not going to let everything in your life be destroyed because of one mistake. Everyone makes mistakes and you have already been punished enough now you don't need to punish yourself more...I will not let you throw away you life and ambition just because of a man..."

His whole family loved him even if he never wanted to do anything they would not say a single thing and support him if he wanted to end up a 'hikikomori' they would support him but not his sister-in-law. She didn't want him to live such a pathetic life and wanted him to be strong, independent and a capable person and she knew he had the potential so she was ready to be the extra push he needed to fly high.

"If doing a drama or a movie is too much for you go do a variety show or something but you must..I will personally drag you to set if I have to but put a stop to your mourning. I have already given the agent your address he will be here soon so pull yourself together. I'll leave now."

With that she handed Jimin the pastry box and went out leaving him all alone in the cold house.

Second chance // Vmin //Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon