Red light

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He checked the CCTV footage again and again hoping and praying what he saw was false but the more he watched it the harder it became to deny.

Junghoon was here

Jimin knew

Jimin left him... again...

Taehyung was not a violent person but at that moment he felt like breaking every single bone in Junghoon's body.

He tried calling response

He tried calling Hoseok...but turns out he knew nothing.

He even called Namjoon so that he could track Jimin's phone but useless... Jimin's phone was switched off there's no way to track him.

It's been five days already. He searched for Jimin everywhere he could but there was no sings of him, it was like he had vanished. Jimin was weak and needed lots of care what if he was lost and alone..what if someone kidnapped him...he won't be able to escape... He even left all his medicines at home and there was no visit made to the hospital for physiotherapy. It was like Jimin didn't even exist... Taehyung felt like he was loosing his mind.

He poured himself a glass of whisky and turned the TV on.. He should take a break and relax his mind before he went crazy.
He flipped through the channels when he saw a familiar face..Jimin...he hurried and went back to the channel again...

There Jimin sat on his wheelchair smiling. He looked happy and his eyes twinkled..

"I heard you have been a fan of the show yourself.."

The interviewer asked

"Yes since I was young I watched 'stay gold' religiously. I love seeing all the contestants trying their best to achieve the dream of debuting.. actually I even auditioned to be a contestant my first year in college I was even selected but I had to drop it because something came up...I was very sad that time but maybe it was for the good because look at me now I came back as a mentor... hahaha...I couldn't be more happier.."

The interviewer laughed too..

"You got selected that must mean you are a good dancer.."

"Oh I don't know how good I was but loved dancing I would love to show you once I get better.."

The camera zoomed out a little and showed Jimin on a wheelchair..

The expression on the interviewers face got a little serious and with a cautious voice he asked.

"Can you tell us about the accident.."

The expression on Jimin's face dimmed a little but he recovered quickly and said.

"Oh it was actually my own fault...I drank too much that night and lost my balance and fell into the pool. There was no one who saw me fall but so I stayed there for a long time eventually a security guard notice me and saved me..."

"Oh that must have been terrifying to be stuck in the water and unable to get out..."

The camera focused on Jimin's face to capture every expression he made. Jimin looked directly at the camera and said..

"Well I am glad I came out of it...I am free now..."

It hit too close to felt like Jimin was directly saying it to him...

"Well you know there's a Chinese saying that goes something like 'you will receive a lot of good luck after you survive a tragedy' I hope you have a better future... thank you for talking to us...we will be back with the next mentor for 'stay gold' after a short break..."

Taehyung stayed frozen for a long time..Jimin wasn't enslaved or lost..he was happy...this really confused Taehyung..why was Jimin happy? He picked his phone use and dialled a number he never thought he ever would...

"My my you finally called me..."

Junghoon's silky smooth voice rang in Taehyung's ears...

"What did you say to Jimin...?"


The man on the other side laid on the bed with another man slowly stroking his own penis..

"Did I ever tell you how erotic you sound when you are angry?"

Taehyung was disgusted but he still asked...

"What did you say to Jimin?"

He received a moan in response as the man sucked on Junghoon's penis.


"Oh.. Taehyung.. don't you ahhh ummm know nnghh how much I missed you...ahh.."

Taehyung was so disgusted that he was about to hang up but..

"I am.. sending you an address ahhh..faster...ahh... come here I'll tell you everything...omg Quill you are getting better...ahh yes.."

Taehyung hanged the phone before he threw up..

His phone dinged with a text..

'friday hotel omalas, room 230, 10pm..'

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