Blame me

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Most humans avoid changes, the idea of daily routine is comfortable to them. Taehyung should have been fine, even though he lived with Jimin for 5 years he never acknowledged his presence yet he could feel the emptiness. He thought after Jungkook's departure his heart couldn't become any colder yet he was proven wrong. The house was empty and cold, no one to turn the lights on, there was no one who waited for him, no one he had to avoid. Taehyung didn't like it, for the first time in years he felt how completely isolated he was, he had no one to call a friend, he was alone.

One more glass of whisky was downed, the temperature in his body rose yet his heart was cold. Why did it all turn out this way? Who is to blame?  Jimin? Jungkook? Or Taehyung himself? If he had the chance to go back in time would he do this all over again? Did he have a choice?

A faint headache started causing him to have difficulties to think. He just wanted to forget everything so he poured another glass for himself that's when his phone rang again.


The woman's voice was loud and energetic it was clear she was angry.


"I have been calling you why you haven't picked up. The lawyer called me saying you and sawi (son-in-law) are getting a divorce! What kind of nonsense is that!?!"

"You heard it right we are getting a divorce."

"What the hell do you mean by that? Who gave you the permission to do such an unthinkable thing? Don't you have a heart? Don't you know how hurt my Sawi would have been to see the divorce papers? How dare you hurt my Sawi? He must be crying and hu-"

"It was his decision."

The woman's words came to a halt.


"What kind sin had I committed in my past life to birth such a son! You made his life so miserable that he actually left you? What did you do? Did you cheat on him? Did you beat him? Did you accuse him of having a lover? How dare you!!"

"Eomma! I haven't done any such things. Why would I beat him I didn't even touch him. He knew our marriage was just a deal, I already made it clear I don't have any feelings for him so why would I intentionally hurt him. It was his decision and I never forced him to do anything. We hardly talked. Stop your train of thoughts there's nothing you can do about it."

"Oh my poor Sawi he must be devastated.."

"Eomma you care about him more than your own son!"

"Shut up!! Don't you dare call me Eomma. If you aren't married to my Sawi anymore you don't have the right to call me your mother!! Go and win him back before I cut off all your limbs! I have already asked the divorce procedures to be delayed but I can't withdraw it unfortunately. So I am giving you last chance to bring him back otherwise don't think you can even see my dead body."

The call was hanged up without giving Taehyung a chance to even utter a word. His mother was a strong willed women and he knew it will be impossible to argue with her anymore. She loved Jimin more than her own sons. The faint pain in his temple became a roaring and throbbing headache. There's only one way to clam his mother down...Jimin...

He tapped his phone and searched for Jimin's contact number he was about to hit on call when he realised it was past midnight and Jimin was most probably asleep so he decided to text him instead asking him to call back but when he opened their chat his fingers halted. The chat had many text messages but all of them were on the left side of the screen, he had never sent Jimin a single text. He scrolled back all the way up to the first text recived.

Hi! Your mother gave me your phone number I hope you don't mind me texting she said since we are getting married we should talk a bit more. This is Jimin by the way but I guess you already guessed it...I can't wait to meet you on Sunday.😊

Hey it's me again I was wondering when you will arrive? Your mother said to meet you at this cafe named 'magic shop' did you get lost?

Hey just checking are you ok? It's been two hours. you haven't arrived yet can you answer my calls?

The cafe is closing I'll just go home.

Your mother said you were so caught up in your work that you forgot about the date it's alright! Better luck next time I guess 😊

Taehyung remembered that day he wasn't busy at all he spent the whole day with Jungkook.

Taehyung scrolled down a bit more

Hi husband! I know you told me you don't have feelings for me but we have an entire lifetime I'll make you fall for me for sure I promise.

I have been thinking and it is totally understandable the way you treat me but I am sure we will get along.

I am sorry you I must be distributing you. Have a great day at work I'll wait for you at home💜



It's nothing I just texted you because I missed you. Come back soon I'll be waiting 💜
I made you lunch since you were busy with the meeting I left it in your office please make sure to finish it and don't over work yourself. Come home soon I'll be waiting 💜

Tae I brought lunch for you but the security won't let me in can you call them off?


The lunch will go cold you must be hungry.

I just saw you leaving did you not see me? I have a grey jacket on I was sitting under the tree. Are you going home? Can you take me with you?
I am sorry I'll never bring lunch to your workplace again.
Taehyung when are you coming back?
Taehyung I think I have a fever can you grab some medicine on your way back
Taehyung please come back soon I am waiting 💜
. you hate me? Do you blame me for loving you? For being selfish?
Taehyung it's tiring to wait for so long but I do it anyways cause I love you please can't you give me a chance I am not that bad of a person.

I miss you
Taehyung stopped reading, he felt a lump in his throat and it was difficult to breathe. After Taehyung had received the first text from this number he had already mutted the chat and so he had never actually read a single one of the messages.
He downed another glass of alcohol and and went to his bedroom. On the way he passed Jimin's old bedroom the door was tightly closed and there was no sound coming from inside, it was empty but Taehyung didn't dare to open the door and confirm the reality. It hurts less to pretend everything was ok and he hadn't hurt Jimin the way he did. Let's just pretend no one is wrong and their faith is to be blamed.

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