Red wine

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Jimin lit up another cigarette. He had been discharged yesterday and Taehyung didn't come to see him even once. It was Namjoon who did everything even his mother in law was nowhere to be seen.

Jimin thought he could forget Taehyung but seeing him again had triggered something in him and he hated that. He had planned to keep himself busy but the shoot had been postponed because of his injuries and he had a 2 weeks gap.

Jimin would  say he isn't addicted to smoking but recently all he wanted to do was smoke. He liked the way the warm smoke felt, it remained him of Taehyung's warm and tender hug that night. It's only been a month since that night but it felt a life time away. Jimin thought that he would not crave for more but even animals craved love how could he not.

He poured himself a glass of wine, he probably shouldn't drink too much but he didn't care, what's the use of health after death. He drank the whole glass in one go. His alcohol tolerance wasn't great, he hadn't had alcohol for a long time after the surgery so he never had an opportunity to build up his tolerance. He already felt tipsy after one glass but he still poured another glass and lit up another cigarette. If his sister in law saw him in such conditions she most definitely would have slapped him hard across the face but he was alone and nobody could stop him today.

4 glasses of wine and 3 cigarettes later Jimin couldn't even remember his name but he still remembered a phone number. He had stared at this contact number for so long wishing to receive a call or a text that it was bruny into every nerve in his brain. He stared at it again and unlike all the other times when he would just close his screen, this time he hit the call button just for the last time he wanted to hear his voice.
Taehyung frowned when he saw the name on his screen. He had shut himself up and drowned himself in work that he didn't even notice that it was already 4 o'clock in the morning. Jimin should be asleep by now why was he calling him? At first he didn't know if he should receive it but clearly it must be something important otherwise Jimin won't call him.


There was no sound coming from the other end.

"Hello Jimin?"

"Why? Why do you hate me so much?"

The voice from the other side was slurry and difficult to understand. It was clear Jimin was drunk.

"Are you drinking? You shouldn't drink too much. The doctor said it isn't good for you  to drink after the surgery."

"Who cares...I'll drink if I want to"

"Jimin what's wrong with you."

"Everything is wrong...I am wrong... You are disgusted by me that is why you never look at me, never talk to me, never touch me, never notice me. Do you know how much it hurts me? Your indifference?"


"It hurts so much...I wished I could die. I want to die but...... if I die I won't be able to be with you....the day I sighed the divorce papers I died.....cause I will never be able to be with you but it is better for me to die without you....than to see you dying day by day with me. I thought I could live for myself maybe go back to work and start a new life but........I really can't...I am so stupid....even after I know you will never love me....even after all this I still want to be with you....I feel so stupid...............I know I ruined your life I just called to apologise.....I am sorry Taehyung I truly am....I hope you will be able to forgive me someday..... I will never trouble you again.....I love you."

"Jimin... don't do anything stupid.. where are you tell me now...Jimin hello Jimin.."

Taehyung panicked and tried calling him again and again but no one picked it up.
He rushed out of his house to the car and then he realised he didn't know where to go.


"Hyung...I need you to help me please."

"Bastrad how dare you call me."

Hoseok growled.

"Hyung it's Jimin..he just called me he was drunk I-I am afraid he's gonna hurt himself please tell me where he is...I-I am really scared."

Taehyung was shaking badly it was probably not a good idea for him to drive but the probability of him loosing Jimin was even higher.

Hoseok didn't like Taehyung but he knew Taehyung would never joke about such matters especially after what Jungkook did to himself. So he told him Jimin's address without hesitation and even called his secretary to book the next fight home. After long persuasion Lilly had brought him to Bali for a vacation but it seemed like their vacation was about to be cut short. Lilly understand too it was probably a bad idea to leave Jimin alone with such mental state and she felt guilty too but she had been planning this whole trip for months now but Jimin was more important than vacation so they quickly packed up their bags and headed to the airport.
Jimin looked at the water that was filling in. The bathtub was big it could fit two adults so it took a long time to fill so he opened the wine bottle and drank it up straight from the bottle. He didn't want to be conscious while drowning he was afraid he would get cold feet and back out of it. He had already set everything up, he had put his letter where someone could find it easily and he had already scheduled a text for the police for 10 am so that he is found by the professional and his body won't traumatize any innocent soul. His eye sight was already blurry and he felt very drowsy and he felt the need to take a long long nap.

Jimin closed his eyes and soon fell asleep, his grip on the wine bottle loosened, the bottle fell and rolled away spilling red wine everywhere....

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