Chapter 70 - Obscure War (9)

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Ejiro didn't give the telekinesis mage any time as he dashed toward her. She managed to block the first strike with her floating daggers. Suddenly, Ejiro's eyes became filled with light. He was using light magic to blind her momentarily.

Before she could react, her head had been severed by Ejiro's sword, slowly rolling down the rooftop until it fell into the street below.

Ejiro was leading a small crew. It was composed of two wind magicians, a dark magician who could summon wings on his back and another who could make sticky elastic strings from dark magic. They were all mages who could travel easily through the city.

A multitude of X-54 jets DA had sent was flying behind them. Luo was the fleet's general. He smiled. "We can finally fly one of those again."

He gave an order. "Keep pushing to the West! By gathering the opposite forces' attention, we're providing a way for Ejiro Sani's team to get to this city's western gate!"

A blue missile came straight at Luo and Jenna's aircraft. Jenna quickly spotted it on the radar and hit a button, tilting the ship 90 degrees and diving between the walls of two buildings. They narrowly avoided the missile; it exploded and killed a few people within a building.

"Destroy all the towers on your way!" said Luo as Jenna shot down a missile launcher sentry. There were sentry guns all over the Obscure city's roof.

"Yes, sir!"


While the rebels were busy with their targetted attacks and preparing for war and the Western Army was in the heat of battle, a video broadcasted on the news shook the Obscure Guild.

Gabriella, it seemed, had filmed herself. Three rebel soldiers were with her, their hands strapped together on a prison wall. She was recording herself torturing two humans and one vampire. Their muscular bodies had gotten covered with bruises and recent scars.

A thirty-year-old man begged to his knees, yet appeared ridiculous with his dislocated arms, his hands still stuck to the wall and above his head. "Please, milady! We won't mess up again!"

"Oh yeah?"

The woman beside him responded urgently. She was terrified. "I swear we won't!"

"Please spare us," asked the mid-rank vampire. Gabriella had torn off his wings, but he was in better condition than the others, thanks to his fast healing.

"Alright. You won't disappoint me anymore." Gabriella smiled and approached the male human.

She grabbed his left arm and pulled. "What are you doing?!" The man, Joseph, couldn't control his arm at all. He was traumatized by the thought that Gabriella could do whatever she wanted with it.

She kept pulling on it. At one point, the rebel's left hand had dislocated completely and popped out of the cuffs. A few seconds later, she tore the whole arm off.

"AARGH!" He bit his tongue, yet didn't even realize it because of the excruciating pain masking all other feelings in his body.

"Joseph!" The woman screamed his name but instantly regretted it when the insane queen approached her.


Gabriella's hard claws penetrated her eyes and cerebral cortex, ravaging her brain. She died.

The vampire made eye contact with Gabriella. "My Queen. Please! I'm a vampire. You can't-"

"Hm!" He suddenly choked on something. Gabriella had stuck her hand in his mouth. Using her claws, she ripped off his tongue.

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