Chapter 100 - The Fifth Layer (9)

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The Werewolf Alpha ran down a hill with his pack. The cursed red skeleton ran after them in a furry. It was approaching them quickly.

Once it had gotten led down the hill two wolves howled from above. Immediately after, ten werewolves surprised the skeleton from behind. They jumped on it and tried to tear through its bones with their sharp claws and strong jaws.

Christopher Fireblood joined the chaotic struggle and immediately regretted it.

Even he couldn't penetrate the red skeleton's bones. They could hardly scratch the skeleton with disproportionate limbs.

The skeleton let out a sharp cry and Christopher instinctively backed away. The other werewolves weren't quick enough. Dozens of spikes grew out of the skeleton and ripped their flesh apart.

A few jumped off. Red spikes sprang out of the ground and finished them. The skeleton opened its mouth and swallowed the dead werewolves' souls. Christopher clenched his teeth.


Christopher found someone behind the skeleton, on top of the hill. "Isaac?"

"Come get me." The skeleton sensed the young mage's red magic and instantly jumped on him. Isaac extended his arm, veins popping with his red magic, and summoned an array of barriers.


The skeleton broke through the red barriers with brute force and made spikes out of the ground. Isaac jumped to avoid them, and the beast broadened its mouth.

The red skeleton jumped after its treat, the red magic stemming from Isaac's body. And fell into his trap. Three giant spears pierced through its skull as it flew and stuck it to the ground.

Isaac landed on the skeleton's back, placed his two hands, and sucked all its red mist. The large disproportionate body parts reverted to their original forms. A simple pile of bones remained.

Christopher looked at him with stupefaction.

"That's the second one. Anne, where are you?"


On the opposite side of the battlefield, Gabriella arrived at the third red skeleton.

It extended its arm toward Anne Galewood. The mage lept back and blocked with her knives.

The skeleton let out a strident scream and wriggled its extended limbs, attacking everyone within five metres. Two soldiers lost their heads.


The skeleton's sharpened index finger cut another soldier in half.

The soldier's upper body fell at Anne's cold feet. The man locked eyes with her. The physical pain had gone away. His vision was blurry. He wanted to speak, blood was clogging his throat. If only he had one last breath. He died without saying a single word.

Anne's shoes were stained with blood. She looked up. The skeleton was grinning at her.

Gabriella landed next to her and looted the soldier's backpack. She brought out anti-magic handcuffs. "I need you to immobilize it."

Anne clenched her fists, nodded, breathed deeply, and raised her arms forward. Her eyes glowed green. The skeleton rushed toward her with inhumane speed but she stood like a statue.

Her own wind cut the grass under her feet, and another gust came from behind and scratched her skin.

The wind was slowing the red skeleton down!

'Come on! I have to stop it!' Anne felt her heartbeat quickening as more and more wind surged out of her veins.

Aaron was right behind her, doing the same thing, pouring all his mana out.

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