Chapter 21

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Travis finished changing into a new set of clothes and left the house. As he walked out, he noticed Yumi's car pulling up and parking in the driveway. She stepped out of the car wearing casual clothes instead of her usual police uniform and had a bag filled with her clothes.

"Travis, right? Where are you going this late at night?" she asked as she approached him.

"Yes, I'm Travis. I'm going to the library to further educate myself. Have a wonderful dinner," he replied with a noble-like tone. With that, he ran off, leaving her wondering if he was mentally unwell.

He then spotted Mia standing outside her house, wearing some cute clothes. He walked up to her and patted her head, causing her to blush.

"How did you convince your mother?" he asked as they walked together. She looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean, convince?" she asked, a smirk creeping onto her lips. Travis laughed in response, reaching out for her waist and pulling her closer to him.

"I like a girl who can be a bit rebellious," he whispered in her ear, instantly causing her face to turn red.

Mia giggled, blushing like an anime girl. They arrived at the library, which surprisingly was still open. Last time he had checked, this place closed early. He then noticed a newly placed sign.

< Open 08:30 / Close 20:30>

"Well, that's convenient," he thought to himself.

They entered the library and made their way upstairs, where they found a table to sit together. Mia sat extremely close to him, which he didn't mind. In fact, it made it easier for him to flirt with her discreetly.

"Alright, Travis, let's start with Science since I think it's more complex than the other subjects," Mia suggested.

They got comfortable and began their learning session. However, Travis wasn't just focused on studying. He kept an eye out for any sign of the wonderful Jane, who was anything but plain.

After 30 minutes, they decided to take a short 5-minute break. Travis excused himself to go to the bathroom, but on his way there, he spotted Jane being followed by a guy. She seemed genuinely panicked.

He quickly made his way towards them, and just as the man was about to lay his hands on Jane, Travis swiftly grabbed the back of his neck. The man was shocked and attempted to break free, but Travis's grip was too strong. He pulled the man back, leaning him down, and looked at him sternly.

Travis's intense gaze terrified the man, causing him to lose control of his bodily functions. Travis covered his nose, disgusted, and kicked the man away.

Jane witnessed the whole ordeal and couldn't help but laugh. Walking up to Travis with a beautiful smile on her face, she expressed her gratitude.

"Thanks for helping me. That guy really doesn't know when to let go," she said in a typical American "bitch girl" tone.

"No problem, I guess. Hey, I think I know you," Travis said, squinting his eyes as he tried to recall where he had seen her before.

"Of course, you know me, silly. I'm your sister's best friend. Who would've thought that the shy boy from before would one day save me from a crazy ex-boyfriend?" Jane said, getting closer to him.

"Oh yeah, Jane. How have you been? I rarely see you now," Travis remarked.

"As you can see, I'm stuck working in this dumb library. I wish I could quit, but the pay is good. I wonder when a rich guy will sweep me off my feet and spoil me rotten," she jokingly expressed.

"That's nice. At least you're not like Jenny; I can't see her ever getting a job," Travis chuckled. Jane joined in the laughter, placing her hand on his face.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm still amazed at how tall you've gotten. Also, you have muscles. Can you show me?" Jane asked, her eyes filled with mischief.

"Sure, but not here. Let's do it next time. I'm busy with something at the moment," Travis replied.

"What is it?" Jane inquired.

"Well, there's this girl I'm studying with. In fact, here she comes," Travis said, looking at Mia as she approached them.

Jane turned back and saw Mia, visibly impressed by her appearance. She turned to Travis and whispered with her hands signaling: "Are you two hooking up?"

"Not yet, but soon enough," Travis replied with a smirk. Jane smirked in response.

"Travis, I was wondering where you were. Who's this girl?" Mia asked, Jane holding onto Travis's arm said." I'm his wife, who the hell are  you!"

She noticed Mia flinch, which made her laugh. "I'm joking; I'm kind of like his big sister. Now, let me leave you two lovebirds." She tapped Travis on his back and winked. Travis nodded, and Jane walked away, leaving them alone.

"She's beautiful, right?" Mia said, pouting slightly. Travis chuckled and pulled her closer, resting her head against his chest.

"Come on, Mia. I only have eyes for you," he reassured her.

Mia blushed and then pushed herself away from his chest. She took his hand and held it against her own chest.

"By the way, you mentioned that you had something important to tell me. I've been curious to know what that is," she said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Travis had momentarily forgotten about that. He leaned in closer, their noses touching, and Mia's heart began to race.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that... you looked extra cute today," he whispered.

Mia stared at Travis with a blank expression. It's not that she didn't appreciate the compliment, but she had expected something more significant. However, she understood that it was a small but sweet gesture.

"Thank you for the compliment," she said, her voice sounding slightly disappointed. Travis chuckled and patted her head.

"You're welcome. Now, let's hurry back before they close," he suggested.

Mia nodded, and they walked back to their table to pack up their belongings. Travis realized that his conversation with Jane had consumed more time than expected. They left the library and began walking home together.

"At least he thinks I'm cute," Mia thought to herself, even though her heart still felt an emptiness from the initial disappointment.

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