Chapter 39

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Travis turned back to the group. Looking at all of them, one would be intimidated, but he simply didn't care about anything. He just wanted to beat them up. And that's what he was about to do.

"Ehh Vato, I heard that you like to trouble sister, that shit  not cool, ese," the man who looked to be the leader walked forward with a metal bat in hand. He had a cold gaze as he stared at Travis; his friends in the back also got closer.

"Who's your sister?" He asked.

"My sister? You don't gotta know that. All you gotta know is that you're about to die, pendeho." He raised his bat and swung it down on Travis's head. Without any sign of fear or anything at all, Travis raised his hand and caught the bat.

"I was honestly thinking the same thing about you guys," he said as a smirk appeared on his face. The song dropped, and Travis began his hunt.

With the guy having both his hands on the bat, he was pretty much open as day. Travis punched him hard in the gut, so hard he instantly passed out. He then took him by the throat and slammed him on the ground. For literal reasons? he doesn't know.

"Kill this guy!" A guy shouted as he swung at Travis. He blocked the bat with his forearm, pushing it away. With him defenseless, Travis gave him a powerful side kick to the head, sending him straight to the ground. Suddenly, a bat was headed towards the back of his head; Travis ducked and, as it passed, he did a spin kick, kicking the guy into a wall.

'This is fun,' he thought. He was really enjoying himself, even though the fight hadn't begun. He looked at the ones who were left and chuckled a little. He then sprinted, landing a kick on a dude's stomach, sending him back to his friends. He then threw a right punch to the one next to him. Seeing as his fist deformed his face, Travis laughed inside.

This night would be marked as their worst ever. Travis had beaten the living shit out of everyone in under a minute. Dozens of men lay on the ground, some passed out, which were the luckiest of the bunch. While the others were fully conscious, experiencing every second of the excruciating pain Travis had given them.

He went and took his bag and walked back home, not even bothering to threaten or scare them. He felt that he had already done too much, honestly. Travis arrived home shortly after.

When he got there, he was met with Jane and Jenny sitting in her room with the door open, which is not a sight he's used to.

"Travis, you're back. Hurry up and come, we need to do your hair before sunset," Jenny said. He nodded, then went to his room and placed his books on the bed. Travis returned to her room, and Jenny pulled him to her chair and sat him down.

"Okay, let's start," Jane said as she brought out her hair-cutting kit. Why does she have this? Well, he doesn't know. Wrapped Travis with a robe and turned on the machine.

'I pray they don't send my hairline back. Because if they do, shii, let me not say,' he thought.

The two went to cut Travis's hair. While they did so, they were gossiping about people from their college. Travis had never thought he'd see the day where he wished to have a good side with women, because what he heard was way too much. These two were talking about how one dude in college tried to shoot his shot with Jenny. And for the whole year, they made him get them expensive shit while, of course, treating him like a slave. Travis could only listen; he honestly felt a bit of sympathy for the dude.

"Travis, Jane told me that you were with the catholic chick yesterday," Jenny said, looking back to when she had told her. Jenny felt a bit of anger in herself, yet she didn't notice it.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked.

'Is he gonna act like he didn't eat me up not too long ago!' She thought.

"Nothing, I'm just saying, is all. Now stay still, Jane is about to give you a trim."

Jane went in front of him and put her leg on his lap as she began to trim his hairline. Her boobs were right on his face, which felt like heaven. Jane did this on purpose, of course; she wanted to tease Travis and see how he would react. When she was done, she got off and checked his expression. Unlike what she expected—blushing and flustered—she saw Travis was just blank-faced.

'Is he immune to my teasing now? I'm impressed, but I'm not done, of course,' she thought.

"Jenny, do you have a vacuum?" She asked.

"Yeah, let me go get it downstairs," Jenny replied, then walked out of the room. Now they were alone, Jane could start her teasing.

'It seems you've grown up, Travis. I'm happy you did, but I miss the old you,' she thought as she stared at Travis with lust-filled eyes. She pulled up the robe that was covering his body and went under it.

'What is she doing?' He thought. Jane put her hands in his crotch and felt his cock. Feeling its thickness, she blushed—not in shock, but in excitement. She wanted to have his cock right now, but her time was soon up, since she heard Jenny walking up the stairs.

"This never happened, okay," she said as she put her finger on his lips, indicating that he shouldn't say anything. Travis didn't respond, because why would he.

"Here, I found this small one and thought it would be much easier," Jenny said.

"Thanks, let me just spray him first. Travis, I hope you're ready, because this one really packs a punch," she said.

After she did her thing, Travis was cleaned with the vacuum, and then she took the robe off. He turned to the girls with a smile.

"How do I look?" He asked. They both smiled back and gave him a thumbs up.

"Like you're about to steal my heart," Jane said in a teasing tone.

"Well, let me go check for myself first. If my hairline had been pushed, expect to get this..." he whispered the remaining words to them. Jenny found herself blushing in embarrassment, while Jane, on the other hand, was smiling erotically as she wasn't opposed to the idea. Too bad she gave him a fresh cut with no flaws.

He left the room and went to the bathroom where he checked himself out. Travis smiled when he saw himself in the mirror. They had given him a cleaner fade with edged hair which honestly looked much better than his $10 fade from before.

'I'm impressed. I guess they won't be getting a taste of my cock,' he thought.

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