01 | Stupidly Honest

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She'd told him she loved him.

Oh god, how could she have been so stupid? How could she have let her tongue slip so badly? She'd gotten through the whole summer. Forget that, she'd gotten through her whole life without telling him and one night. One night had ruined everything.

Cammie wasn't much of a partier, but her best friends Jace and Gemma had convinced her to go to the end of summer bash last night. She'd only sipped the punch, but apparently that had been enough.


The punch was always spiked. Even she, an amateur, should have known that. She'd spent her whole life keeping her secret and in the end it all came crashing down because of a jock with a flask and nimble fingers.

And now, now everything was gonna change. Unless, unless she figured out a way to fix things and undo what she'd done. No one could change history; and time travel, as much as she wished it weren't true, was still impossible.

Jace barely said anything after she'd admitted it. Her heart had been in her throat and he'd stood there like a deer in the headlights. For a moment it felt like she had to be sick right then and there. Her stomach rolled and the sushi they had gotten before the party started to flip and flop in her gut like it was still swimming.

She'd started to take it back, to say chalk it up to a bad joke "Jace I-" but then she'd slapped a hand over her mouth and realized she really was going to be sick and threw up all over the sand.

This could change everything between them. Ruin everything.

In the end Jace hadn't said anything about her confession. Still, no answer was better than him telling her he didn't feel the same way right? He hadn't completely rejected her. Telling her he'd take her home and help her get to bed, that wasn't the end of the world.

Cammie mentally slapped herself.

You idiot.

No. God, it would have been better if he'd yelled at her, told her she was crazy, drunk, or just given her any answer besides silence. Any answer would have been better than this festering ball of hope and despair eating at her heart.

She'd just kept her mouth shut since then. It was the longest she and Jace had ever gone without talking and each moment of silence felt like another mile between them. As though they'd hopped on a pair of jets heading in opposite directions.

But there had to be some way to get out of this sticky mess. She just hopped it wasn't confrontation.

"Cam, pass the syrup please."

Cammie looked up at her sister, mind still churning, "The syrup is right in front of you."

Paisley looked up from her phone and laughed at herself, "Oh, yeah,"

She grabbed the jug and poured the golden liquid over her pancakes.

"No, phones at the table Paisley." Their dad scolded looking up from his tablet and lifting his glass of organic juice to his lips.

Cammie scoffed before rolling up a pancake, dipping it in a puddle of syrup on her plate and taking a large bite. Paisley sighed and put her phone on the counter behind her. It was new; she had gotten it for her birthday last week, so it was a sort of an addiction at the moment.

"Dad, no tablets at the table." Paisley mumbled as she cut up her breakfast and started to eat. Their father continued, completely oblivious to the fact that his daughter was talking to him and that he was being a hypocrite.

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