07 | Rammie

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She didn't see Ramsey the rest of the day. They didn't share any of those later classes together, which was for the best because she needed some time to collect herself after her confrontation with Alana. There was a point where she and Al had been friends, best friends even before Gemma. But things had changed and it was for the best. Cammie had eventually realized that Alana just walked all over her even when they were close and Cammie had let her.

Still, what Alana would think about her dating Ramsey hadn't really crossed her mind until she saw the pissed expression she worse in that classroom. That just proved how much they had grown apart. Usually she and Alana avoided each other like it was a metal agreement, but it seemed that Alana didn't think Cammie dating her ex was apart of the agreement. Which, objectively speaking, was fair. What wasn't fair, was that Cammie had to now meal with the fallout of Ramsey and Al's clearly nasty breakup.

At least, it seemed nasty in a way it hadn't before. Especially considering that Al had seemed to think they were going to get back tougher. Ramsey hadn't mentioned that, but he had said that he wasn't over Alana when he said it was too soon for him to actually have feelings for anyone else. She needed to share with him this new, aggressive development. Alana and her friends yanking her into the classroom.

Thankfully she'd been able to dodge Jace for the rest of the day, although he seemed to be okay with that. Maybe that's why it had seemed too easy. Gemma on the other had had freaked out on her the moment she saw her in the hallway,

"Are you freaking kidding me?! Ramsey Stone and you never told me!" it seemed like the whole diary thing was a second act to her.

"Um... I'm sorry?" Cammie replied hesitantly, but a small smile was starting.

"Girl, I would totally kill you for this if I didn't want to hear the details so badly. You better start talking before I die from curiosity."

Cammie finally laughed lightly at that, "I can't talk now I'm going to class, but I'll fill you in later I promise."

After making her swear on her life that she'd tell her everything Gemma reluctantly allowed the two of them to part ways.

Getting her books from her locker at the end of the day she couldn't help but hold her breath as she opened it and pray nothing fell out. Thankfully, nothing did, but it wasn't as much of a relief as she eyes the empty spot her diary should have been. Fighting the sting in her eye she grabbed her math textbook and shoved it into her bag, along with her English notebook for the assignment she had due tomorrow.

Her heart jumped in her chest as a body slammed onto the locker next to hers. She shut it quickly already know who'd be on the otherwise of the door. Ramsey was grinning at her, arms crossed and hair tossed as usual. She hated that he seemed to be enjoying this so much.

"So I'm totally a genius. Everyone has been talking about our big announcement all day and your previous humiliation is almost all but forgotten. I would like an island in the pacific filled with those little pigs that swim in the blue water, but a coffee and thank you will also suffice."

"You are impossible." Cammie scowled, but then shook her head and smiled through her blush, "But thank you. I just hope it sticks." and she would be pray for that the rest of the night.

She had her doubts about such a random and quick declaration like Ramsey had done earlier, but he was right. The school was abuzz. It was a little more attention than Cammie liked, but also better attention than she'd been receiving the day prior.

"Smile Ivy, things are looking up. You can get me that coffee after school on Friday."

Cammie's smile disappeared in a blink as she blushed more and sighed. Ramsey's also dropped, "What's wrong Cameron? Did someone say something to you because you send all those people to me and I'll handle them like I promised."

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