05 | The Plot

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It was just the two of them. Everyone else was in class and Cammie couldn't help but think that she had never missed class as much as she had in the last two days.

It was an insignificant thought, the kind you get absently when you're in a situation you wish you weren't. And Cammie certainly wished she wasn't standing across from Ramsey Stone, after a significantly stressful meeting and significantly detestable morning. To make matters all that much worse, he seemed to have been waiting for her to come out.

His eyes dropped briefly as he took in her little pink dress, white cuffed ankle socks, and light green sneakers that matched the glass buttons up the front of her dress. She immediately felt self-conscious, and her insides warmed at the clear appreciation in his eyes.

She cleared her throat and he immediately snapped back to her eyes, "Sorry." He murmured and had the balls to smile sheepishly. She scowled in response. She would not be falling for Ramsey Stone's charm these days.

"What are you doing here?"

Ramsey glanced around without even bothering to correct the way he leaned against the wall like one of those models on a Times Square billboard. Irritation flared within her. Whether it was because of his attitude or the comparison her mind just made she wasn't sure.

"I'm here to get a diploma, which is expected of me in order to gain acceptance into even higher education from an institution, that bestows itself the title of "liberal arts", so I may eventually garner respectable prospective job opportunities to begin paying off the debts that such high education bestows upon me since they actually mooch and perpetuate off a capitalist system, they teach their students to hate." He paused with a smirk, "Why, what are you here for?"

Cammie hadn't thought her day could get any worse, or her frustration any more acute. Apparently, she was wrong. Ramsey Stone could make anything worse.

"I'm here because the state mandates it." She muttered smartly, hoping to irk him even just a little bit.

Deciding she actually didn't care to know the real reason he was standing outside the Principal's office she turned on her heel to head to the girls bathroom and hide away until the end of the period in an attempt to avoid entering late in front of everyone. Hopefully she'd be able to keep her head down and avoid eye contact with anyone for the rest of the day.

Ramsey was probably there for some reprehensible reason that she had no desire to corrupt herself with. Unlike Cammie, Ramsey was not unfamiliar with Principal DeRosa and hearing his name on the loudspeaker.

"Ivy, wait!" he called, amusement still clear in his tone. She rolled her eyes and briefly thought that talking to him. A moment longer might cause them to disappear into her skull forever. Ramsey Stone was truly a health and safety hazard to her.

Wasn't he upset with her yesterday? Annoyed by her clear hate of him in her diary entries for some unknown reason.

"In case you were still wondering, responses like that are exactly why I think you swallowed the handbook on how to be a cliché high school asshole."

She heard a harsh sigh of frustration and a brief pause before a large, warm hand clasped at her wrist. God, what is it with guys thinking they could man handle me this morning? Still, she let him pull her to a stop.

"I'm sorry, okay. I can't help it, you're so easy to rile up, it's hard to resist."

Clenching her teeth, Cammie resisted the urge to snap at him as it would only prove him right. She recalled the way he used to tease her when they were younger. He'd always liked doing it. Except they weren't children anymore and it wasn't harmless.

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