09 | The Rules

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Cammie woke up early the next day. She had spent most of the night laying wake in her bed staring up at the ceiling and seeing faces in the piles of close and junk scattered around her room. It had been a rough Friday. She and Ramsey walked in totally unprepared. They had forgotten to match up their stories about how they even started dating. He had come to find her in the library to escape incessant questioning from his friends and their peers.

"There, now we can get our story straight." he had continued after he had successfully earned himself a detention so she wouldn't have spend it all alone, "People want answers, Ivy and we can't say anything until we know what we're really doing here."

She hated to admit that Ramsey was right about anything. She had written that he was the epitome of a high school asshole and she believed it. He had nothing but pester her like a nat for the past forty-eight hours and yet... and yet she had felt something weird in her stomach that he had got detention to be with her.

It was stupid and grossly cliche at best, which was why had spent the whole detention either ignoring him or bickering with him. They had gotten absolutely no where with their time together after school. Not that planning out the details of their fake relationship would have been very smart considering they would have literally been in school amongst their peers. That, Cammie could graciously admit was something Ramsey had been wrong about.

Still the two of them answering everyone's questions with the high school student equivalent of 'No comment' couldd not go on much longer. They had to sort out the details of their relationship. Cammie was still finding it hard to believe that Ramsey had come up with this idea let along decided to go along with it. Ramsey Stone, the Ramsey Stone was dating Cammie Haveryard. Or at least 'dating' her. Which was why she and Ramsey had decided to meet up today to get their story straight.

When she saw the light finally seeping around the edges of her curtains she relished in the appropriate hour to get up and take shower without having to justify the early hour to her father.

She hurried across the hall and into the bathroom, not bothering to bring an outfit with her, as her mind was preoccupied. She turned on the water and looked in the mirror; she yanked her fingers though her hair to get the tangles out before it got wet, which from her experience tended to make knots worse. She went under the cabinet, sorting through all the bottles and tubs and tubes of moisturisers and creams. When she finally decided on a coconut sent she placed it on the sink next to her towel before getting into the shower.

Fully moisturised and feeling refreshed Cammie threw on a pair of grey sweats that had Miss Patty's Dance printed in black sparkle down the legs in fancy script and paired it with a pale pink crop top. She headed into the kitchen and made herself a Nutella sandwich, her personal favourite breakfast, which was why she finished it within three minutes and headed out into the corridor.

She grabbed her phone and headphones, slipped on a pair of old flip flops and went through the white door that lead into the garage. Cammie flicked the switch and light flooded the room as cool air filled her lungs and clung to her pale skin. Her eyes fell onto the blue car sat in the centre of the concrete room which was scattered with boxes holding wires and jumper cables and red plastic cans filled petrol. Cammie's dad always liked to be on the safe side, never wanted to run out. He had an electricity generator in the corner, but all of these things were left un-noticed by Cammie. She pressed the button that rose the garage door. Cammie washed her mom's car every Saturday and it was a Saturday.

She grabbed the black bucket and squeezed soap into the bottom before going around the side of the house and filling it to brim. Once her head phones were in, the rubber gloves on and the music playing she got to work. Since she had decided to stop writing her feelings down, she was hoping this would bring her some relief from her anxiety.

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