13 | Best Friend's Sidekick

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"You're leaving?" Gemma asked, her eyes wide and pleading.

Cammie laughed. She had told Gemma that she was going out today, but she had come over anyway. To Cammie's relief, the two girls had been spending a lot of time with each other recently. Cammie was keeping Gemma up to date on her relationship with Ramsey and, much to Cammie's dismay, Gemma had been giving a lot of details about her and Jace's relationship too. In fact she had just finished giving a very graphic description to the way their date ended the other night.

"And you know what they say the best cure to an argument is, don't you Cam?" she had added with a smirk.

Jace and Gem had always fought, more than Cammie considered to be healthy, but she tried not to judge. Tried not to be bitter in the moments she was Jace's shoulder to cry on about a different girl.

Cammie stood up from her bed and headed over to her closet to find something to wear.

"Yes, I told you I was going out." she replied exasperated.

Gemma looked around Cammie's room, which had finally been tidied up, there was almost no mess on the floor. All of her books and school papers were in a pile hidden under her desk. Her bed was made, her wardrobe organized. Gem had commented on it when she came in because Cammie was known for her messy room. Except now, after Ramsey invited her over the other day she was worried he might somehow end up in her room at some point and wanted to make sure he didn't walk into the aftermath of Hurricane Cameron.

"You know, I liked it when I was your only friend, then I could keep you all to myself." Gemma said with a sigh, her diamond nose stud twinkling in the light.

Cammie laughed in shock and disbelief, "You are always telling me to get out more!" She began looking through her closet and holding up outfits to her body before returning them to the rack when Gemma shook her head at them.

Her friend continued, "Yeah, with me! I didn't mean to make me your second priority." Gemma muttered sarcastically, pretending to sound annoyed. Although at this point Cammie was wondering if she was pretending or not.

Cammie tried not to scoff. She was constantly Gemma's second priority, in fact she couldn't remember the last time she had been anyone's first priority. Her father was always working, and while he loved his daughter's he didn't know how to raise daughters on his own, Paisley was a young teenager surviving middle school, and Jace, her best friend since birth, had shifted his attention to Gemma ever since they had started dating. Cammie was always third wheeling or being left out when the two of them went on a date, but she bit her tongue and didn't say anything of this. Instead, she continued to go through her closet. Gemma got up off the bed, apparently deciding Cammie obviously wasn't going to find something without her basically doing it for her. Using her hip she bumped the little blonde aside.

"How many boys are going to be there?" Gemma asked, sifting through the clothes.

Cammie shrugged, "Five, including Ramsey I think. Although last I heard Nick wasn't sure if he could make it."

"Nicholas huh?" Gemma hummed, " Any girls?"

"Well, me."

Gemma spun around, shock covering face, "Cammie you are going out with five boys and no girls to back you up? Oh dear girl, I wish you good luck." Cammie chuckled, but something in Gemma's tone made her think there was more truth in that statement than exaggeration.

And she was nervous about hanging out with all of Ramsey's friends. It seemed normal for most people to want to make a good impression on their boyfriend's friends, but Cammie felt she had significantly more pressure. Ramsey had insisted that this was their chance to eliminate any doubt his friends had that this was a real romantic connection. Not that she didn't want the guys to like her. Why wouldn't she? They were handsome, popular, and funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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