12 | A Request

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JP turned out to be the Stone's dog. And "the house" that Ramsey has referred to, as Cammie quickly found out, was not actually the house at all but a huge dog house outside. JP was a German Shepherd to be precise, the Stone's had had him as a puppy, but Ramsey knew that his parents had bought it as a watchdog for when he and Colleen got older, so they could leave them and still have some kind of protection, a watchdog.

But having two kids raise a dog did not exactly result in security insurance.

Ramsey was not impressed that his plans for his day with Cammie were being turned upside down, but what could he do? His little sister was his controller, she held his strings and he couldn't send her away, couldn't say no to her. So instead of, well he wasn't sure what he had planned to do with Cammie, but it sure wasn't making waffles and taking his dog for a walk. Still, he beckoned Cammie to follow him as they headed outside to the massive dog house, it was white with Navy blue trim. Basically a miniature of the almost mansion that they lived in. Ramsey whistled into the doorway as Cammie waited, not sure what she was going to see.

"What type of dog is it-?" she barely had time to finish her sentence before the German Shepherd came bouncing straight at them, its eyes wide and alert, its long pink tongue flying out the side of its mouth.

"JP!" Ramsey shouted as he jumped up and knocked Ramsey to the ground. Ramsey landed with an 'uff', but started laughing while the dog licked his face. Yup, some watchdog. Cammie didn't really like dogs licking faces and found the scene both endearing and disgusting.

"Get off me, you oaf." Ramsey groaned, shoving the dog off of him and wiping his face with his shirt. Cammie smiled as Ramsey got up and walked over to her and tried to ignore the slight glimpse she had gotten of his toned abdomen as he'd used the hem of his shirt as a rag.

"JP, Cammie. Cammie, JP." She laughed as the big dog sat at her feet and looked up at her, tail thumping wildly behind him. She squatted down and began stroking his ears and face and talking to him in the voice all humans reserved for cute things.

"Ramsey, he is so cute! I didn't know you had a dog." She said not looking at the boy, as JP rolled over and allowed her to scratch his tummy. Ramsey ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah well, it never really came up." He said watching her hands gently rub the dog's fur. She almost toppled backwards as JP, changed position and had to put her hand on the ground behind her to support herself.

"What about the fact that I never knew you had a sister either?" she said with a stern face, as she stood up, brushing her hands over her leggings. The small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth told Ramsey she wasn't really annoyed, just curious.

He shrugged and repeated, "Never came up."

"Yeah, but I've known you for a while now, how do I miss out on an entire human being?"

"Colleen was really young when we..." he hesitated, "knew each other better. She spent most of her time with a nanny and so that's probably why you never saw her." Ramsey said just as Colleen came running out the back door towards the two teenagers.

She ignored Ramsey's presence and immediately started talking to Cammie about JP and all the tricks he could do. Her voice got higher and higher as she pulled a leash out of her coat pocket and attached it to JP's collar.

Ramsey didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to think.

Colleen liked Cammie so much, way more than she ever liked Alana. Cammie and Al were so different it was hard to compare them. It was hard to compare Ramsey's feelings for the two girls since they were so different too. Alana and Ramsey's relationship had been a real one, they had dated for real, been a real couple. But his and Cammie's relationship now was all for show, to make sure that Cammie maintained her friendship with Gemma and that Knight kid. Ramsey had known the moment he saw her name at the bottom of the piece of paper he'd picked off the ground that the poor girl would be ridiculed.

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