Immovable Distress

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When I woke up this morning, I didn't really expect to start dating my best friend.

It was like any other morning. I would get up, brush my teeth, take a shower, and then wake up all my siblings so they could get ready as I made breakfast.

The second and third oldest helped the youngest girls get dressed while I gathered up all their things. It's the same routine every morning. As soon as everyone was out of the house, I locked the front door and headed to the car. Checking that everyone was in and buckled, and the drive to school started.

Music played softly as I drove. The girls were all quiet for most of the drive except for the small snoring I could hear from the youngest two. The ride to the school was 20 minutes in itself, but stopping by the daycare added an extra five minutes, so waking up early was a must.

"Orion?" The second eldest, Alexis, asked. I took a glance at my sister and hum, indicating for her to continue.

She's already in middle school and in just a few years she'll be in high school, and it terrified me how much all my sisters were growing up.

It felt like just a little bit ago it was just Alexis, me, dad, and mom. Then Alex, who's now in fourth grade, was born, and finally, the twins, Abby and Olive. With me being the only boy out of all the kids.

"Do you think mom will be home tonight? It's supposed to be her day off after all."

I almost didn't want to respond to her. Mom never stayed home long and when she did she never acknowledged any of the kids, always in her own world. No one knew when she would show up, or if she would just disappear one day, so I just said what I always did.

"I don't know. Maybe."

Soon, we arrived at the daycare, and I dropped off the youngest two. We said our goodbyes and headed towards the elementary and middle school.

We finally arrived in front of the elementary school and I wanted to make sure Alexis and Alex had a good start to the day. I didn't want one small thing to offset their entire mood. As the girls were getting out, I stopped them.

"Hey... have a good day at school, ok girls?" I said, trying to lift their spirits a little bit, but not knowing what to say.

"I'll try, bye!" Said Alex, not taking another look back before disappearing into the school.

Alexis was already gone before I could ask if she was alright, so I just headed towards the high school. The ride to the high school was short and simple (mostly because it was right across from the elementary and middle school), so I parked my car and headed toward the main courtyard.

I was never able to make it to my friends, though, because as soon as I stepped into the hall, I was interrupted with a load and excited voice, "Hey Oreo! I heard you guys won the game!"

Upon looking over, I saw Rachel waving at me. She was a short girl with huge poofy hair. Her makeup was, as always, beautiful and super detailed. It constantly made me wonder how she could get up and do it every morning without fail.

I wondered if I should have just kept walking, but I knew that there was no point in trying to avoid her as she would probably hunt me down if I turned away, so I walked towards her. She was a friend, after all, just not the one I was looking for.

Rachel was actually a really sweet girl. She just hung out with the wrong crowd. A crowd I've been trying to avoid, actually.

"It's Orion, and yeah, we did,"

"Well, congrats! And sorry about calling you Oreo. I'm just used to it. But I swear I'll find a different nickname for you. I just have to find something good."

"I'm sure you will. You're creative, so you'll definitely find something better." While Rachel isn't really that talkative with everyone, she's definitely creative, and you could tell by her wardrobe. She's as my mom puts it 'in a phase' right now and usually only wears all black, but she can style almost anything really well.

"So where you headed? Gonna meet up with the other footballers?"

"Yeah, I was trying to talk to Nick, but he's probably long gone by now."

"Oh shit! I'm sorry, dude! I didn't know you were trying to see your boyfriend. I can have Ally find him if you want." Ally... honestly, I don't know her too well, so I don't have much to say about her, but she seems cool. Then it hit me. What did she say?

"Woah, what? Nick's just a friend, and plus, didn't he just get out of a relationship?"

"I don't know, he's your best friend, so is it a yes on Ally finding your boy toy?"

"No, it's fine! We've got first period together anyways I can just talk to him then. Also, stop calling him that dude! It's gross."

"What your lover? Your sweetheart? Or maybe your sugar baby is better?"

I could feel my face getting hot, but I don't like him like that. He's just a friend, and it sounded weird.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Can we change the subject? Like, how are you doing?"

"Fine, whatever. But I'm doing good. There's not much going on lately, if I'm being honest. Also, just so we're clear, we're not going to talk about you and Nick? Because I don't know about you but I think he likes you."

Just as she's about to say more, the bell rings, and it's time for school to start. And thank goodness, because I don't think I could've kept going back and forth about the Nick thing.

I quickly cut in before she can get the last word, "I'll talk to you some other time!" And I run off to my class.

I could see the teacher holding the door open, and I almost made it into the class, but I bumped into someone. Just as I'm about to apologize, I see the most piercing green eyes staring straight at me. I would almost find them pretty If I didn't know who they belonged to.

There's nothing good that could ever be said about Conner. He's the type of manipulative person who seems sweet at first, and then he grabs your heart and tries to lock it away and make you feel as though no one loves you but him. If he can't do that, though, then he'll just tear it apart and destroy everything he can.

What's even worse is that I used to date him. So I knew from personal experience how much of a dick he was.

"Oreo! What a pleasant surprise! I haven't heard from you since last year. I think it was after you bailed on me and left me all alone. Y'know it still hurts me thinking about how badly you treated me, after I gave up so much for you too." As he talked you could hear the sinister tone in his voice from miles away.

I look at him, and I can't help but wonder why I ever liked him. Maybe it was his charming smile and dashing voice that always got me, but it didn't matter now because I finally moved on.

"Move. I have to get to my class."

"What, no 'hello'? No, 'how are you'? Not even a smile?"

"I'll smile when you're dead, now move." I push him out of the way and hurry to my class.

There was no point in trying to talk. After all, It wouldn't end well. Plus, I really did need to get to my first class before the teacher closed the door because he wouldn't wait even a second before taking attendance, and I did not need any more tardies. 

As I enter the classroom, I notice the empty seat next to my desk, right where Nick normally sits. I try not to think too hard into it. After all, he probably just got caught up in something.

I sit down and start up a conversation with some of the guys near my table, and soon the class starts, and Nick still isn't there.

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