Immovable Hatred

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"Mr. Roman, this is the third time I've had to talk to you about this assignment. Usually, you turn things in on time, and I'm worried that you'll start falling behind because of this. I want to make sure you don't fail. You have a smart brain. Use it."

"Yes, ma'am. I promise that it'll be turned in tomorrow! I just have to work on a few things."

"Well good, if you need help, just let me know. Now run along, I'm sure you've got other classes to attend."

I grab my stuff and walk slowly to my next class. It's been a pretty uneventful day, but it was starting to get worse since I was missing a huge assignment for an important class.

Mrs. Osborne taught psychology, which was a college class. The school offered me duel enrollment, and I was stupid to not get some college points ahead of time.

She was a nice old lady, with gray streaks in her hair that stuck out like a sore thumb. Her clothes were always eye-catching, too, with bold and bright colored dresses that she loved to talk about before class. The best thing about her, though, was that she loved teaching and tried her best to help every student.

The teacher I'm heading to right to now, though, is a different story. He was supposed to teach geometry, but honestly, he just gave us the points if we turned in an assignment, and he was almost never at school. Some people say he quit or was fired, but all the other teachers say he's just taking a break.

They can't afford to fire him anyway because the school is short on teachers and staff members. Sometimes I wonder if they picked him off the streets, because that man did not know how to teach.

I finally reach Mr. Thomas's room, and I can't help but want to turn back. The teacher was fine, and the work was never hard, but Conner took the class, and honestly, I couldn't stand him. The idea of having to deal  with an annoying guy who wouldn't stop flirting, throwing things at me, or even 'accidently' bumping into me whenever I wouldn't give him attention, on my nerves more then doing actual math.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it.

Maybe I should just leave, I was passing the class, so It wouldn't have affected me if I skipped just this once. But then again, I couldn't risk getting caught skipping class, especially for no good reason.

As I fight with wanting to leave and knowing I shouldn't, I hear the class door open.

I turn towards it to see Rachel standing awkwardly with the door wide open.

After seeing me she grins, "Oh, Orion, hey. Almost missed attendance." She lets go of the door and starts to walk away. Luckily, I catch the door before it closes.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"To the nurses. Don't worry, I'll be back." She says, but she has all her stuff with her, and I have a feeling that she's going to ditch the last class of the day.

I walk into the room, trying not to think too much into it, and I see a teacher I had never seen before standing at the front.

And then I notice someone sitting in my seat.

Someone sitting in my seat wouldn't normally be a problem, and it wasn't right now. It set me off a little, but I decided to just walk up to the substitute and let them know I was here before I decided on where to sit.

"Hello, I just came from another teachers class and wanted to let you know I was here. My name's Orion, by the way."

"Oh hello! I haven't marked attendance yet, so you're fine! Just take a seat and work on any missing work you have for the time being." She practically screams the words.

I look over to my table and notice the person in my seat is asleep, so I decide to just take another. I walk to the back of the class and sit next to Rachel's seat. Usually, I wouldn't because Conner sat next to her, but he didn't seem to be in the class, so I might as well take advantage of that.

None of my friends except Rachel had this class, and it was a little boring since I didn't even usually sit next to her.

"Ok, class, everyone settle down. I'm gonna take attendance." The teacher yelled. I couldn't tell if she liked to scream or if she was just naturally loud.

I take out my computer and try to tune out her voice as she yells out kids' names. She had an obnoxious voice that could probably travel for miles and would definitely win in a screaming contest against a child.

Once she was done talking, I put on my headphones and tried to finish up the project for Mrs. Osborne, which seemed to be more of a challenge than I remembered.

The entire time I was trying to write, I couldn't help but think about Nick.

I wanted to text him, but he had broken his phone a week prior, so there was no point. Maybe that was the reason he didn't come today?

But he hated missing school and would even show up when pretty much deathly ill. So I doubt he missed because of a stupid phone.

But thinking about that just made me more worried.

After too many minutes of overthinking, I finally started to continue my project.

I had gotten so into the groove that after about 30 minutes of working, I barely noticed someone taping me on the shoulder.

Looking up, I almost regretted having eyes because, lo and behold, Conner was staring straight at me. He leaned down to whisper in my ear, and I can't help but shiver as he speaks.

"Hey sweetheart, you're in my seat."

"Fuck off Conner just go sit in a different one."

"Listen here bitch, you either move or I'll make you. We don't want to cause another scene, do we?"

I had to weigh my choices because if I moved then he'd feel like he won, but if I don't then he'll probably do something stupid and honestly I'd rather him feel like he won then get suspended for sending him to the hospital over something as stupid as this.

"Y'know what? You-"

"Or" he interrupts, "I could just sit in your lap."

"What?" I ask exasperatedly.

"C'mon Oreo, clearly you wanted my attention. I mean, why else would you be sitting in my seat?"

"Because my seat is taken dumbass. Why don't you just find another one like me?"

"I don't know about you, but I'd be fine sitting on your lap. After all, with all those workouts you do, your thighs look amazing."

"Do you ever shut up? You fucking dickwad."

I get up without saying anything more and move to a different seat. There was no point in trying to argue with him, and I just wanted to finish my project quickly.

After I sit down, I look over and see him staring at me with a big smirk on his face like he just won the biggest bet of all time. Looking at my computer, there were only about 5 minutes left of class, so I finished up the paragraph I was on and started gathering my things.

It was the last class of the day, so it usually went by pretty fast, but it felt like it was going to take forever to end. Once the bell rang, and school finally got out, I headed toward my car so I could pick up my siblings and drop them off at home. Practice was gonna start soon, and being late sounded like a nightmare waiting to happen.

I just hoped Nick would be there. Especially since he never missed school and I was starting to get worried.

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