Immovable Concern

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I definitely did not feel relieved. All I could think about during practice was, 'Do people really think we like each other?' 'Does he like me?' Or the worse one yet, 'Do I actually like him?'

Sure, he's my best friend, but do I feel like he's more than that?

I stand in front of my locker and just think.

During practice, I got so lost in my head that I almost forgot I was playing. But now that practice is over, I can't stop my mind from running.

Does he really like me as more than a friend?

I had already taken my shower and was almost done getting dressed, but I kept taking glances at Nick.

Ugh, why couldn't he just leave my head?! He's just a friend, after all.

I look over to him and see him looking at me with a questioning look. He smiles a little bit and starts walking towards me.

I had so many questions for him, like, why did he skip school? How did he get a black eye and busted lip? Did someone hurt him, or was it an accident? Does he like me?

As he approaches me, I try not to think about all the bad and weird things on my mind and just focus on him.

But that was even worse. It was like no matter what I did, I always focused on something about him. Like his blonde hair and blue eyes or his pearly white teeth that he always showed with a smile. He was beautiful, and the black eye stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Hey dude! Once you're done getting dressed, do you want to go hang out at the park?" He asks, with worry written all over his face.

I don't know why he's worried, I was practically freaking out all day over him, and then he shows up to practice with a black eye and a busted lip.

"Yeah, sure. You can go ahead, I'll meet you over there." I respond.

He smiles, and I take a closer look at him before he leaves. I look down at his lip, and with him so close, I can see the gash on it. It was clearly going to leave a small scar, and I couldn't help but feel angry. I looked back into his eyes, and he seemed to be frozen in place, just staring into my eyes.

"Nick, you good?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah! Sorry, I was just spacing out a little." He says, grabbing his bag and rushing out of the locker room.

I put on my shirt, ignoring all the feelings bubbling up inside me, and start putting my things into my bag.

"Wow, quite a show."

I look to the side and see Damien, the same guy who was talking to me earlier, chuckling.

"I don't like him! I'm just worried about how he got hurt."

"First of all, I never said anything about liking him. Second of all, he said that he fell down the stairs. And with all your worrying, I'm guessing you don't believe that?"

"C'mon, it's Nick. He's like the most careful person I know. Of course, I don't believe it."

"Well, to take your mind off of it, me and a few of the other guys were going to get some burgers if you guys wanted to come with."

"Yeah that sounds fine. Where are we going exactly?"

"Cherries, the little vintage burger shop across the street. "

"Well, I'll have to ask Nick and see if he wants to go since I already asked him to meet me at the park after practice."

Damien ruffles my hair and tells me to text him if we decide to go before leaving the locker room. I grab my bag and phone and head towards the doors. As soon as I'm outside, I see Nick still in the parking lot talking to some of the guys, and I decide to head over. As I get closer, I can hear them talking about something.

"C'mon dude, you can't hide it forever. It's literally so obvious."

"Nothing is obvious! Plus, if it was, then he either hasn't noticed, or he clearly doesn't feel the same."

I sneak up behind Nick and whisper.

"Who are we talking about?"

And he screams (very high-pitched, may I add), and turns around, avoiding my eyes. I laugh as he calms down, and I can't help but want to laugh more at his bewildered look. After a while of me and the other guys laughing, I finally calm down and look at him. His face is red, and he looks a little spooked, but he was clearly trying not to show it.

"Ha ha, very funny. Can you stop laughing now?"

"Oh my god, that was hilarious!" I say, fake wiping my eyes, "But seriously, who were you talking about?"

He looks uncertain and laughs a little before looking me in the eyes and yelling.

"Your mom!" He yells, trying to take my focus off of their previous conversation. I don't want to make him feel like he needs to answer me, so I change the subject, but not before rolling my eyes at his stupid comment.

"Well, Damien said he and some of the guys were going to get burgers. Do you want to go?"

"Oh yeah! We were just talking about that. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to go there instead."

"Yeah, we can go. Do you have your car, or should I drive you?"

"I'll need a lift." He laughs, already heading over to my car.

He hops into the passenger seat, and I start the car, putting on some music before heading off. I had so many questions I wanted to ask at the moment since we were alone, but I decided later would be a better time to talk.

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