Immovable Idiot

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Well, that's how today went so far.

After the stupid fake dating story, we all relatively calmed down and just chatted. People started to leave, and soon, Nick and I left when it was just a few of us there.

The windows are down, there's no music playing, and it's just me, Nick, and my thoughts.

I have so much to say. Like, why did we do that? Why am I questioning my feelings for you? Where did you get that black eye from? Why weren't you at school today?

The questions weigh on my mind more and more the longer time goes on. I want answers, but what I really want is to know what happened at the dinner.

I look over to see him staring out the window as we pass through town.

"Do you think I can stay the night?" He asks, clearly trying to avoid the silence.

"Whar happened back there? Why are we fake dating? Where was my input on this idea?!"

Nick opens his mouth repeatedly, and I can't help but feel a little bad for yelling like that.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I was just so tired of everyone making fun of me, and I knew that you would, um, agree without question." He says, his voice getting quiter as he speaks.

"Look, I'm not super mad, but that was kind of a dick move to just spring off on me like that."

"I swear I won't do anything like this again! I am really sorry and I'll do whatever you want to make it up to you."

"Whatever I want?" I ask, slightly interested in his statement.

"Ok, I take that back, almost anything you want."

"Nope, too late! You said whatever I wanted! I'll figure something out soon enough."

"Well, I'm still wondering if it's cool for me to spend the night? It wasn't just to fill the silence." Nick says with a slight chuckle.

"On a Tuesday?" I say, trying to lighten the mood. I look over, and he's staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes, and as I focus my attention back on the road, I laugh, "Of course. I would never say no, you know that."

We drive in silence for a little longer, and normally, it wouldn't bother me, but as we pass through the small town, I feel the need to fill in the quiet. But what can I say?

As I stop at the stoplight, I decide to say the biggest thing weighing on my mind right now.

"How did you get that black eye?" I finally ask.

After no answer for a solid 30 seconds, he finally speaks up. "I tripped." He laughs.

"Bullshit." I say as I turn my car into our neighborhood. I look over to him and roll my eyes as he gives me an offended look.

"No, it's not! I was outside when I tripped and fell, and then I hit a rock!"

"I'm not going to force you to tell me, but it would be nice if you didn't lie straight to my face, y'know?"

"It's not a lie! I did trip!"

"Yeah, and I'm completely straight."

"No need to shove your gay agenda on me!" He says with a serious face before cracking up laughing.

"Fine, fine, if you won't answer that question, then answer me this. Why did you say that we're dating? Actually scratch that why did you even suggest you were dating someone in the first place? Wouldn't it be easier to say you were taking a break or whatever."

"Ok, first of all, I freaked out, and that was my first idea! Second of all, I thought it would be funny. And third of all, c'mon, it would be nice to get the guys off my back." He says with a smirk.

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