Irreversible Mistakes

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"C'mon Damien, leave him alone. He's too stupid to defend himself!"

"What, no, I'm not! Orion! Defend me, dude!"

"I'm staying out of this."

"What, no!"

Going to a burger joint with a bunch of friends who are still wired up after practice is never the best idea, but we were honestly having a great time.

We were sat in the back of the dinner, so we couldn't really bother anyone, but knowing us, the people in the kitchen could probably still hear.

The dinner was very rustic and old timey, with pictures of old cartoons plastered on the walls, red and white seats that were uncomfortable to sit in, and a jukebox next to the front entrance There was a bar with bright red barstools in front of the kitchen. The seats were still a pretty shiny red, though, and the place was always pretty lively.

"Ok, ok! Calm down, guys. Did everyone order something already?" One of the Juniors asked.

After a lot of collective yes's, most of the guys continued their teasing.

"So Nick, got any eyes on anyone new? Any girls caught your eye lately?"

"Or maybe a guy?!" Someone butted in quickly.

"Sadly no, I was thinking of asking out Jenna, but she's trying to focus on her schooling at the moment. So, no new relationships yet." Nick said, clearly ignoring the last comment.

"Well, you're bound to get into another relationship soon. You attract girls like crazy even with your short relationships."

"What?! My relationships aren't short! I've been in many long relationships before, mind you."

"Friendships don't count." Damien said, laughing.

All the guys joined in, and Nicks face was red with embarrassment, and his blackeye stood out even more as he croosed his arms and scoffed.

Suddenly, someone walked next to the booth and set down a milk shake.

"I have two hamburgers with fries, 3 milkshakes, and a diet coke?" A girl says. I look up and see Rachel handing some of the guys the last of our items, "And will that be all for you guys today?" She asks.

"Yeah, thanks, Rachel. Tell your sister I said hi, by the way." Damian says softly.

I had never met Rachel's sister, but I knew that her name was Stacy and that she and Damien were dating. She was in a car accident a few weeks ago and has been in pretty bad shape, so she has to stay at the hospital for a little bit longer.

Damien always makes sure to check up on her, so he usually visits her every Wednesday after practice and sometime over the weekend. You can tell he really loves her, and it's clear that her family likes him too.

"Of course, you guys enjoy your meal." She says, walking away.

"Why don't you date Rachel?" One of the freshmen asks.

"Can't, she's gay."

"Welp, guess you're out of luck." Damien says, chuckling.

Suddenly, Nick's phone goes off, and he quickly dismisses himself and walks outside.

"So how do you think he really got that blackeye?" One of the Juniors whispered as soon as Nick was outside.

"Do you think it was one of his ex-girlfriends? I mean, I heard that Ella was pretty mad at him after their breakup." Another said.

The fact that they were talking about him behind his back set me off, but you could tell that they were pretty worried and it wasn't just to talk.

We were all like family after all. We argued, hung out, laughed, and sometimes even cried, but we were always ready to fight for one another. Most of us didn't have the best of lives outside of school, so we stuck together whenever we could.

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