Sibling Duo Headcannons Part 2!

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Luz And Hunter:

Luz likes to bug Hunter into being more social like mentioned in the past chapter

They often watch movies together or just talk about glyphs and magic when bonding or hanging out

One time Hunter pranked Luz by convincing everyone to say I hate you and avoide her... She ended up almost committing suicide (also if you say "but Luz wouldn't do that" it's my AU and Headcannon. Also remember that I mentioned they were both suicidal and mentally unstable so yeah.) So, let's just say he never did it again. Also he repeatedly apologized over and over again.

Hunter and Luz often play silly little pranks on each other but sometimes it goes a bit to far

They like to play pranks on the others too

Onetime they played a prank on everyone where they pretended to get into a HUGE fight each other and avoided each other but also acted miserable without each other. Everyone was so confused.  

They often fall asleep on each other when they watch movies together, and it's honestly very adorable. Eda takes that chance to take pictures for blackmail.

Luz has blackmail on everyone except Eberwolf, and Terra

She has blackmail on Hunter, and Amity but doesn't bring it up too often because she cares A LOT for them (Obviously).

They also like to binge on random but popular shows at night, for example one day they could be watching SpongeBob the next day it's family guy. 

They both like to annoy the heck out of the adults, especially Eda, Raine, and Darius.

They both bond over simping for the people they like (aka Willow and Amity)

They both have fun nicknames for each other, their friends, and the adults

Some of their nicknames for each other conclude bad but sad boy, lil sis, big bro, human, Goldie,  therapy boy, Luzura, bro bro, imbecile, Hunt, etc

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