Sleepover Part 3

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I know this took long and I am SO sorry. I didn't have any ideas and I had been losing so much motivation and time. But, let's get into it. Shall we?

WARNING: This includes Huntlow, if you do not like the ship. Please skip/leave. This is not for you. If you do enjoy Huntlow, feel free to continue! 😊

-"Okaaaay! Let's all take a break." Said Hooty.

The game was getting pretty heated so Hooty decided it was time to cool down. Soon enough, they calmed down and the sleepover could continue. This time, they were playing Truth or Dare.

The group sat in a circle, It was Luz's turn first.

-"Alright! Hmmm, Willow! Truth or Dare?" Luz asked.

-"I think I'm gonna stay low for now, Truth." Willow said.

-"Okay! Uhm... Oh!" Luz grinned, mischievously.

-"Here's your truth. Do you like anyone, Willow...?" Luz asked. Luz knew. Ohh, Luz knew she what she was going to do.

-"Wha- Uhm... I-" Willow blushed, she glared at Luz with a "I'm so going to kill you after this" look.

Luz just smirked.

-"Sooo..?" Luz said, cheekily smiling.

-"Uhm- Maybe...?" Willow said, nervously.

Hunter felt his heart drop. Willow liked someone...? What if it wasn't him? You see, hunter liked- sorry, no. Likes Willow. What if he didn't have a chance? Hunter was noticeably quieter after Willow's answer.

Luz noticed Hunter's silence, and she let out a small groan. How oblivious could these two love birds be?! It was obvious Hunter liked Willow, and Willow returned his feelings- their just two adorable BUT dense idiots. Aren't they?

Luz knew what she had to do. She quickly excused herself to "use the bathroom" and hurried out of the room. Then, she took out her scroll and opened Monster Messages. (Don't ask about the name, it was just the first thing that came to mind)

Members- Luz, Amity, Gus, Eda, Darius,

Luz: Tell me I'm not the only one who saw how obvious they were?

Gus: Nope, your not the only one.

Amity: God, their so dense

Eda: You cant be talkin, kid. But how are we gonna get them together if their so oblivious to each others feelings?

Darius: Eda is right. We need to figure out a plan.

Luz: I need to get back to the sleepover and so do Amity, and Gus. So, while we continue the sleepover. You and Eda can come up with ideas and we can all meet up to discuss?

Darius: Affirmative, Operation: Huntlow BEGIN!

Eda: See ya, kid.

Sorry for such a short chapter! And for not posting in a while, Loves. But I'll try to get back to work on this

(449 words, Not including this. Bye loves<3)

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