Second Date

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Good Morning/Afternoon/Night, My Loves! I'm so sorry that it's taking so long for part 3 of the sleepover to come out. So in the meanwhile I'm gonna post little side stories to feed you hungry, Loves. So until I finally finish part 3. You'll have to stick with these. So For now, I present you with...

...Lumity fluff!

Btw this takes place a few weeks after Luz and Amity started dating


"Hey amity?" Luz asked. "Yeah?" Amity, responded "I just realized we haven't went on a second date yet" Luz said. "Yeah I realized that too," Amity said back, expecting something. "So, will you go on a date with me Amity Blight?" Luz said. "Of course my Luz in shining armor" Amity said, pretty much expecting it, "Is that a new nickname for me Batata?" Luz asked. "Maybe..." Amity said.

Luz giggled at the response. Meanwhile a certain love struck Cotten candy haired goddess was falling in love with Luz 10 times harder. "Oh my Titan, I think I just fell in love with you again" Amity said, abruptly. "Wait what?" Luz said, turning red. "Did I said that out loud!?" Amity, whisper shouted. They both looked away and sat in silence for quite a bit.

At this point they were both red just sitting in Luz's room, they looked something like this

At this point they were both red just sitting in Luz's room, they looked something like this

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Not exactly, but you get the point.

Anyway, finally after like 5 minutes of blushing silence Luz spoke up. "So, w-where would you like to go Amity?" Luz said, stuttering a little bit still in shock from Amity's words. "O-oh, how about that pink tree from grom?" Amity said. "Oh! That's a great idea! You the best Amity!" Luz said, hugging Amity with her blush fading away. But Amity somehow turned even more red than she already was. "Let's go tomorrow!" Luz said. "O-okay!" Said, Amity. Then suddenly...


It was Amity's scroll, it was time for her to come back home

So Amity got up, took her scroll and headed for the door

"Do you have to leave amity?" Luz asked. "Sorry Luz, but I have to get back home." Amity said, apologetically. "Wait!" Luz yelled. "Yes, Luz?" Amity said, turning back to face the direction of Luz. Then, Luz ran up to her and cupped her cheeks. "Luz? What are you-" Before Amity finish, Luz kissed her on the cheek!

If Amity wasn't already a tomato she definitely was now. "Mwah! Have a safe ride home Amity! Love you<3" Luz said. "Y-yeah, love you too" Amity said, still blushing from the sudden kiss.

Then, after Amity went home Luz just decided to go to bed. It was kinda late after all, but before she want to bed she had to do something first. She took out her scroll and started messaging a certain lesbian.


Me: Goodnight Batata, Love u<3

Amity<3: Goodnight my Luz in shining armor, Love u 2<3


Luz smiled at her scroll, then she put it aside and finally went to bed.

Hehehehe, yes I'm making you wait for part two again mwahahahahqh😈 Well, I know this was short but, it's something to feed you for all this time, so I hope you enjoyed. Anyways, have a great day and make sure to eat and sleep. Love Ya'll<3

(556 words, Not Including This)

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