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(WARNING: This Contains some Lumity. (and a little bit of Raeeda) If you do not like the ships or are uncomfortable with them, please click off.)

Luz: Hey guys! I was wondering if you'd all want to do a sleepover!

Willow: Of Course!

Amity: Why not?

Gus: YES!

Hunter: I dunno

Luz: Pleeease Hunter🥺🥺🥺🥺

Amity: You better say yes😡

Hunter: Okay, okay! I'll come.

Luz: YAY!

Darius: It's 3 fucking AM. Go to sleep.

Hunter: Sorry Darius!

Darius: Don't think I forgot your therapy session for next Monday.

Hunter: Daaarriuuus! You know I hate therapyyyy

Darius: But you need it.

Luz: Sorry hunter but Darius is right, you can't just keep coming to me about it. You need professional help

Hunter: Traitor!

Amity: HEY! Don't call my awesome Girlfriend that!

Luz: Awww thank you batata❤️

Amity: No Problem, Luz🥰

Hunter: Can you guys be lovey dovey somewhere else?

Gus: Sorry but I kinda agree with Hunter,

Luz: Oh come on! You guys don't complain when Eda and Raine act like this!

Eda: kid, first of all. Do NOT bring me and Raine into this. Secondly, Raine and I have a completely normal relationship.

Luz: Pshhh, Yeah right. I know what you two think about each other at night

Hunter: I don't think I wanna know what you mean😰,

Raine: 1. There is nothing going on with me and Eda, 2. GO. TO. SLEEP.

Luz: Okay!😰

Hunter: Fine😒

Amity: Going to bed now😅

Willow: Already turning my scroll off😥

Gus: Already in bed😢


Raine: Now that that's dealt with, You two. Bed. Now.

Eda: Yes Sir- or Ma'am- IDK, Person?!

Darius: Yeah, Yeah, Going to bed right now.

Raine: Good.


Eberwolf: I no eczist anwymor? 😥

(294 words not including this!)

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