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As Y/N made her way to the arena, a cloud of smoke materialized, indicating the arrival of two more individuals.

With a leap of exuberance, Naruto bounded down from his vantage point, his trademark enthusiasm on full display. "You're late!" he exclaimed, unable to mask his mixture of excitement and frustration.

Beside him, Shikamaru trudged down the steps with an air of reluctance, his usually calm expression tinged with annoyance. It was evident that Naruto had somehow managed to coerce him into joining the impromptu expedition.

Kakashi scratched his head sheepishly and mumbled, "Could Y/N and Sasuke have been disqualified?"

"Your habit of being late seems to have spread," Genma remarked indicating the tardiness of Y/N and Sasuke.

Y/N cast a sidelong glance at Sasuke, her eyes narrowing slightly, and quirked an eyebrow, "Did the two of you plan this dramatic entrance?"

Sasuke smirked and replied, "Just trying to make an impression, Y/N. We can't let Naruto have all the fun, can we?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, knowing Sasuke's competitive nature. "Well, just remember that flashy entrances won't guarantee victory," she said with a confident tone.

Naruto, unable to contain his excitement, happy that his two teammates arrived. He interrupted, "Come on, you two! Let's get this show on the road! I've been itching to see your fight!"

Kakashi chuckled and added looking at the proctor, "So, what's the plan, then?"

"Don't worry," the proctor assured them. "We will now witness a fight between Y/N and Shingen."

"Ah, that's great," Kakashi's lone visible eye crinkled at the corners, his signature closed-eye smile emerging as he responded to the situation with his characteristic nonchalance.

The proctor then started talking and deciding with the match as the two contestants have arrive


Naruto narrowed his cerulean eyes, fixing his gaze on Shingen with an intensity that carried a mix of determination and warning. "Don't you dare lose to that guy, Y/N," he declared, his voice laced with a fierce determination.

Y/N's expression shifted from surprise to mild confusion as Naruto's words registered. His exclamation seemed to hold a layer of context that she wasn't immediately grasping. "We haven't had our fight yet," Naruto shouted, his words carrying a sense of eagerness and anticipation.

Y/N observed Naruto's animated reaction with a bemused expression, her calm demeanor unaffected by his outburst. She took a moment to process his words before a self-assured smile played on her lips. "Indeed," she responded, her tone carrying a subtle hint of amusement and a quiet confidence.

Sasuke, who had been silently watching the interaction, couldn't help but let his concern show. His usual composed façade faltered as a faint frown tugged at the corners of his lips, though he preferred to keep things light between them.

"You know, Y/N, I can't help but worry about you. You've got a habit of getting yourself into trouble," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Y/N rolled her eyes, feigning annoyance. "Oh, please, Sasuke. I've got this under control. You worry too much."

Sasuke crossed his arms, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, someone has to keep an eye out for you."

Y/N smirked back, a playful glimmer in her eyes. "Are you volunteering for the job? I didn't know you had such a soft spot for me."

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