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'Are you sure this will be enough ration packs? The cold can eat away at your stomach, you know?'

'Yes, Anakin, we are well aware of the climate on Hoth. This will only be on one ship and another load with be on the other. Thank you for your concern, though.'

Anakin narrowed his gaze at his ex-Master as he moved about the hanger. Underneath the Jedi Temple, Obi-wan made the last round of checks on his ship before they departed to the ice planet on the outer-rim. His ship was smaller than Sol's, which would carry the 336th division, but his interceptor would hold most of the supplies that would support the party for the duration of the mission. As Obi-wan stood with his tablet, the Jedi Master glanced to the Skywalker who made a surprise visit to the hanger with R2-D2 in tow.

'I'm just making sure you're stocked, alright?' Anakin threw up his hands in defense. 'Hoth is at least a thousand light years away. If you run out, it's a long way to come back. And you know how Solaris can get when she's not had her protein pouch in the morning.'

'How will you survive without her here?' Obi-wan mumbled with his eyes on his tablet, but the reaction he received was one he hadn't expected.

'What makes you ask that?' Anakin whipped around to face Obi-wan with his face full of defense and fake disgust. 'I'd prefer it if she wasn't here every morning. In combination with Snips, the cafeteria is always so tiresome when she's babbling about her recent troubles.'

With a crease of his eyebrows, Obi-wan looked up from his tablet and eyed the young man next to him. A few beeps sounded from R2, who rolled forward to nip at Anakin's heels, making him shuffle forward with a glare thrown down at his droid. As Anakin looked back to his ex-Master, he realised how much he had overdone his act. Obi-wan had let his tablet fall to be down by his side and he was yet to say anything about his ex-Padawan's sudden outburst. He had heard Anakin rant about Sol before, and he had made it clear that he wasn't her biggest fan, but Obi-wan seemed to have paused completely at Anakin's recent ramblings about the female Jedi.

'I just mean that it'll be nice to have some time to myself in the temple,' Anakin said, adding a sigh for good measure. 'Although with Snips still around, I don't know how much of that I'll actually get.'

Obi-wan appeared to relax at Anakin's addition and pulled the tablet back up to his eye-level. He shook his head with a sigh, which Anakin was thankful to see and hear, before he completed the checklist for his ship.

'One minute, you two get on like jawas in a scrapyard, and the next, you're at each other's throats. I don't understand it,' the man said in deep thought. 'But you two are a good team, so I suppose it doesn't affect anything. She'll miss you, though.'

'She will?'

Anakin tried not to sound excited nor uninterested in Obi-wan's admittance. He tried to appear as if shocked, arching an eyebrow up and curling his upper lip to show the top of his canine. Not that Obi-wan looked too hard at Anakin, as he was too busy sliding his tablet into the opening on R2's head, where the droid would deliver it to Captain Des on the landing pad of the temple.

'Of course, she will. Sol actually shows that she cares about you, unlike your attitude towards her. She says that she wouldn't know what she would do without you most of the time. Maybe if you two tried to be nice to each other, you would know that.'

Anakin made a mental note to mention this to Sol when he saw her off later that afternoon. He was unaware of how Sol spoke about him to others, but he thought they were upholding the frenemies situation with an emphasis on the 'enemy' part. While he had been pulling faces of disgust at the very mention of Sol, she was saying how she will miss Anakin while she was away on Hoth. A pit of regret formed in his stomach, and he hoped that Sol hadn't heard how he talked about her. If he had known, he wouldn't have been so harsh at her mentions.

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