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Sol was brought from her cell by the same storm troopers that had brought her the day's meal. It was the same as the previous assortment, and Sol didn't complain when she ate the bread and meat stew while the troopers lingered close by. 

Just like before, one trooper kept a stun gun trained on her back as she was brought through the destroyer's halls. Her wrists remained cuffed, and the Jedi was preparing herself to face Vader after their previous uncomfortable session.

But Sol halted in her preparation, as before she was brought to the east wing, the storm troopers pulled her to a stop. In a corridor like any other, Sol looked at the trooper beside her who gripped her bicep. She expected the white helmet to turn to her, but it stayed rigid on its armoured shoulders. With a glance behind her, Sol's eyebrows creased at the sight of the stun gun that was still aimed at her back. The troopers appeared to have paused without a reason, and Sol looked into the Force to see if she could find a reason for the unusual stop.

She sensed an incoming signature that she dreaded to see. It wasn't Vader, but the war lord whose star destroyer was Sol's prison.

Grand Admiral Thrawn turned the corner with a squadron of troopers on his tail. His steps were quick, and Sol found herself in front of him after seconds of him arriving in sight. The blue-skinned man with bloody eyes looked down at Sol without tilting his head to acknowledge her. It irritated the woman to see his eyes move, but for his chin to remain high. 

In a private retort, Sol moved her eyes to look up through her lashes, as opposed to looking up at the admiral. She refused to be looked down on by the Chiss, and would give him the same treatment even if it went unnoticed.

'Jedi Master Sol,' Thrawn said, his greeting coming out as more of a statement. 'Once I knew who the Jedi was that Lord Vader brought aboard my ship, I understood his drive to capture you.'

'Is that right?' Sol raised an eyebrow to feign interest.

'I remember hearing about you during the clone wars. You and Anakin Skywalker made a name for yourselves with your tactics against the separatist movement.'

Sol's stare narrowed when Anakin's name left Thrawn's lips. She couldn't imagine how the Chiss would react if he knew that he took his orders from the man whose name he said so spitefully. But with her teeth engraved in her tongue, Sol kept her gaze through her eyelashes to keep herself from informing the man of the important fact.

She showed no emotion besides a small tinge of disgust at being forced to speak to the admiral. Sol's lips curled at their corner and she looked to the wall to give herself some relief from Thrawn's intense stare. But the man deadpanned at Sol's discomfort and looked to the two troopers that had brought Sol from her cell. With a motion of his head, the soldiers were dismissed, and Sol felt uneasy at being lonesome in front of the Imperial war lord.

'I've been informed that you are undertaking training with Lord Vader-'

'I am not training with him. He is forcing me to-'

'I have not finished speaking, you Jedi scum,' the man stepped closer and finally looked down at the woman with a tilt of his neck. Sol didn't know how it was possible, but Thrawn became even more intimidating when his face was inches from hers.

How much she wanted to Force push him into his squadron of mindless servants. She would love to be able to send an Imperial admiral flying down a corridor, but because of the Force-blocking restraints on her wrists, Sol was unable to use her power. She could do nothing but try and injure the man with the intensity of angled, purple eyes, and all it earnt was a smug scoff.

'Regardless of what Vader has planned for you, you will be transferred after today's meeting with him.'


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