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Cheers erupted as the rebel ships returned to Yavin 4's Resistance base. Workmen left their stations to greet their friends who pulled off their pilot helmets, and some sobbed for those that didn't return. Those who did felt accomplished about their attack on the Imperial star destroyer, and the lost had sacrficed a great deal for the mission's success. There was much to be celebrated, and the jungle around the rebel base rumbled with applause and celebratory whistles.

When the two hijacked TIE fighters entered the atmosphere on the base's scanners, the Resistance were fearful at first. But when they received communication from Obi-wan's x-wing, they realised that there had been some changes with the original plan. Captain Padme Amidala didn't hear all the details but knew enough to order her workers not to fret at the descending Imperial ships.

With C3-PO and R2-D2 behind her, Padme waited for the mission's main team to touch down in the hanger. The woman stood in a camouflage poncho and with her hair wrapped in braids at the back of her head.

She stayed cool in front of her fellow rebels, but internally, the Amidala was itching to see her Jedi Master friend. While the captain had been privately worrying for Sol, the Resistance continued its duties in fighting the Empire. Her liuetenant noticed the sometimes distant look in Padme's eyes, but finalised orders that he knew would be to her liking. Sol's disappearance had affected Padme and the mission to rescue her from the Imperial star destroyer had been all she could think about.

But at the sight of the landing grey and green starfighter, Padme bounced on her heels in her eagerness to see Sol at last.

'Obi-wan,' she greeted the man who exited his x-wing first. 'Are you alright? Did everything end up okay?'

Obi-wan went to speak, but he sensed Ahsoka and Revan's exit from their TIE fighters. While people gawked at the sight of the Imperial ships in their hanger, Padme's eyes shifted to the two Jedi who walked with two small children. She was confused at seeing Luke and Leia Skywalker, as the plan was for Ahsoka to take them back to Tatooine. But Luke and Leia stood in between Revan and the Togruta with their gazes on the starfighter a short distance away.

'What are Luke and Leia doing here?' Padme glanced back and forth between the twins and Obi-wan. With a creased forehead, the captain's confused gaze finally rested on Obi-wan, who appeared to be searching for his words.

'There were... complications,' was all he could say, before Padme's attention was drawn to the woman of hour.

The rebels' reaction to the Jedi Master's arrival was drastically different to her first appearance on Hoth. Strangers gathered around and clapped Sol on her shoulders, making her look around with parted lips and shifting eyes. She barely was able to hop off the wing of her starfighter before she was bombarded with the sight of faces and the sound of voices that she hardly knew.

'Good to have you back, ma'am!'

'We've been worried sick about you, Miss Sol!'

Sol was overwhelmed but attempted to give a strained smile. She thanked some people, even shook some hands, before she broke through to the people she wanted to see. Sol was able to crouch to her knees before Luke and Leia collided with her front. The mother embraced the two tightly and leaned her head against Luke's head with her eyes closed.

The journey from the core to the Outer-Rim was long and Sol spent every second in her ship worrying. Her departure from the star destroyer had left her empty despite the relief of their escape. Anything could have happened while flying to Yavin 4, and with Luke and Leia in the TIE fighter with Revan, Sol was constantly thinking about what could go wrong. Like Padme, Sol was torn between being optimistic, and being riddled with constant anxiety.

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