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'We can keep in contact with members of the Resistance across the galaxy from here. The scanners you installed years ago still work, but we had to replace the generators you installed. They were completely drained.'

'You can blame the Jedi Council for that.'

Padme glanced around the control room after Sol's scoffed words. She had spent the day showing Sol around the Resistance's base after Sol and Ahsoka had a day's rest after their arrival. It wasn't like Sol didn't know where she was going, because her clone legion had been the ones to create the hidden base. But it didn't hurt to have a refresher, and Padme had brought Sol to the main control room where men and women of all species sat watching screens and listening to tapped transmissions.

'Look, Sol,' Padme turned to her friend who stepped to be in the corner of the room. 'No one here knows about your Jedi status. If they do, they don't know the extent of your abilities nor your history with the Jedi Order. To be safe, I recommend that you keep your presence here on the downlow.'

'Ahsoka told me this already,' Sol said but was still confused. 'But why? Does everyone know that Ahsoka is a Jedi? Why do I have to keep quiet?'

'Because if word starts spreading about you being hunted by Darth Vader, some might start questioning the safety of everyone on this base. And if someone found out about your association with Vader, then things could get ugly.'

Sol looked away from Padme and eyed the other people in the room. Hummanoids and neighbouring species stared at screens and rose from their chairs to check other screens. Surely these people were only in the Resistance to defeat the Empire and didn't care about one Jedi's friendlieness with Anakin Skywalker. There was no way that anyone would find out who Darth Vader really was, much less Sol's relationship to him. They had kept the secret all throughout their time with the Order, and Sol had continued to hide it up until now. To have such caution seemed silly, but when Sol turned back to Padme and saw her downturn lips and solid eyes, she pondered the possibility that she may be wrong to question it.

'I'm sure they'll find out you're a Jedi soon enough, but let's keep it under wraps for now, okay?' Padme said and Sol nodded after some reluctancy.

'So...' Sol exhaled with her words and stuffed her gloved hands into her coat pockets. 'Why Hoth?'

Sol and Padme left the control room to head down the halls of ice. Just like before, Sol saw the solid structure of the surrounding walls and was impressed with how well the base had remained during its abandonment. The Jedi never returned to Hoth despite its hidden and useful location at the end of the known galaxy. It had frustrated Sol to see all the hard work that the 336th legion had put into the base to then just be left unattended for years. But when Order 66 happened, no one was left to ever return to the planet, and its the awareness of its existence faded with all the other past accomplishments of the Jedi Order. 

'It's on the Outer-Rim and it had an established base,' Padme shrugged to Sol's question. 'Mothma said it was prime location to work from, and the Empire would never suspect that the rebellion would be based on a frozen wasteland.'

'And you came here from Naboo? Was this after Vader confronted you in your office?' 

'Yes. Ahsoka and Revan got me off the planet without being seen, and we've been setting up here ever since. The Resistance is growing and we're working to establish a presence in most systems.'

Revan. Sol had wandered about her cousin ever since she arrived at the base. She thought about how Revan would have worked with the rebellion and fought alongside Ahsoka as some of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy. She could see how he would have contributed with his light humour all while being a fierce warrior against the Empire. It made her question why he disappeared if her suspicions of Revan leaving the rebellion on his own accord were true. The rebellion seemed like a good cause, and Revan had watched the Republic fall and the evil Empire rise. It was only normal to assume that Revan would want to support the Resistance and its aim. So, why had he left?

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