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'We've had two unauthorised ships enter the hanger, sir. The explosion wiped out our defenses. A squadron are in pursuit of the first intruder, and another is on its way for the second.'

Grand Admiral Thrawn grumbled at the workwoman's report and went to order for more reinforcements, but Darth Vader's abrupt movements made him pause. The Chiss turned to see the Sith walking the length of the control room towards the door. He feared another retaliation, but the Grand Admiral couldn't let the most skillful man onboard leave the destroyer's powerhouse. If the rebels infiltrated the ship and made it to the cockpit, Thrawn stood no chance against their attack. He was a war lord, not a soldier.

'My Lord?' he called, eyeing the back of Vader's mask. 'It is crutial you stay here in case of a breach-'

'I will find the Jedi intruder myself. There will be no 'breach'.'

'How do you know that it is a Jedi?'

But Thrawn didn't receive an answer. Darth Vader exited the control room with his cape swaying with every step. Grand Admiral Thrawn swallowed and turned back to the windshield, where the battle raged on. The Resistance hadn't let up in their attack, and with two rebel ships onboard his star destroyer, Thrawn had no choice but to rely on Vader's ability to hunt the intruders and stop the rebel takeover.

Darth Vader's strides were quick and long. His boots thundered against the black tiles and his broad shoulders boasted through the corridors. He made his way to the east wing, where he had secured Sol behind the solid door of his training room. 

With a dangerous Jedi Master wandering about the halls, Vader had to ensure that she was safe. Vader would die before he would let Obi-wan Kenobi take Sol away from him, as he had succeeded in doing so on Mustafar. Vader had been foolish last time, and Obi-wan had disappeared with Sol and fled to an unknown planet at the advantage. But the dark side was powerful and Vader had learned its ways since then. He wouldn't lose to Obi-wan again, and he wouldn't be as merciful as the Jedi Master was. 

In the east wing, it was quiet. No one was operating in the east sector of the destroyer as the attack had drawn all forces to the hanger and into the battlefield. It made Vader's path towards his training room clear, and he turned the last corner expecting to be free to type on the keypad and see that Sol was still hidden away.

Indeed, the hallway was empty of troopers and Imperial workmen. But on some cracked tiles, was a chunk of the lead and iron door that sealed the training room. Darth Vader halted in his stride and stared at the 3-inch-thick chunk that had been cut out of his door. He saw the hardened molten liquid that had dripped down its metal and knew the work of a lightsaber when he saw it.

A realisation dawned on the Sith, and Vader put his hand to his utility belt. His own lightsaber still hung by his thigh, but the other cannister that had recently called his belt home was gone. He remembered the events before the destroyer's alarm blared. He had let the weak, pathetic man inside of him break through and it seemed that it had cost him more than had he thought.

Sol had taken her lightsaber and had deceived Vader with her beautiful tears and words of enchantment. Anakin Skywalker fell for the woman's plead to return and had left Darth Vader with the consequences. Sol had escaped the training room with the help of her lightsaber, and was now roaming the destroyer, while Obi-wan Kenobi was in search of her.

Vader didn't waste a moment's time. He grabbed the remaining lightsaber on his belt and stepped over the chunk of metal that remained on the tiles. The same stride he had arrived at the scene with returned, and Vader roamed the halls with a deep rage. If he saw Obi-wan, he would make sure to kill him this time. There would be no hesitation, and Vader wouldn't let Anakin Skywalker crawl out of the hole that the Sith had plunged him into. There would be no interference; Obi-wan Kenobi was a dead man.

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