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The door slid shut before Sol could exit the training room. Darth Vader slammed his hand against the keypad in the hallway and left knowing that the Jedi was trapped inside. With his mask back on and his yellow eyes present, Vader headed to the control room where he would demand a report of the attack on the destroyer.

Sol huffed when the door locked into the wall. She had barely been able to follow Vader to the exit before it shut, and with her lightsaber as her torch, Sol was forced stand in the dark room with the siren still blaring in intervals.

There was only one organisation that would dare to launch an attack on the Empire. It had to be the Resistance, and if Sol didn't know any better, she would think that they were attempting to rescue her from her imprisonment. To spontaneously attack an Imperial star destroyer in the core of the galaxy was unlike the Resistance, as it was too close to the many other war lords that worked with Empire. An attempt to bring down one destroyer warranted the arrival of a fleet's worth, and the rebels were smarter than to prompt that reaction.

But Grand Admiral Thrawn's destroyer wasn't just an Imperial ship. It held a prisoner that the Resistance needed more than they knew. Captain Padme Amidala was the one to insist urgency on the rescue mission, and ships from Yavin 4 were sent with one objective; to keep the Empire distracted while Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi infiltrated the destroyer's hanger.

But Sol was unaware of the details of the rescue and couldn't make her escape off the destroyer while trapped in Darth Vader's training room.

Sol's face felt tight after her brief moment of tears. The wetness that she had smeared underneath her eyes had dried and a puffiness was settling in. It was uncomfortable, and at the sudden change of events, Sol felt almost foolish for breaking down in front of Darth Vader. But it hadn't been for nothing, as she had seen the blue eyes that she had only been able to admire in Luke. Anakin had broken through Vader's cage and Sol heard him say that he couldn't leave with her because it was too late for him. This couldn't have been Vader talking. This was Anakin, and Sol had hope for the good that was present in him.

At the thought of progress, Sol closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She soothed her mind into a meditative state in order to block out the alarm that ricocheted off the walls. With her senses slipping into the serenity of the Force, Sol placed one hand on the solid door. She searched through its makeup and locking mechanisms, and found that it was made of both lead and iron. Some would say that the door was indestructible and would need to have its locks rewired in order to escape the training room. But Sol had something that not many in the galaxy had in their possession.

The Jedi's eyes opened, and she reared her lightsaber behind her. With the tip of her cyan blade aimed forward, Sol jammed the 20 000°-degree heat through the locked door. The metal hissed and churned at the arrival of the blade. Sol's face was lit with the orange that glowed from the melting door and with the clench of her muscles, she pulled the lightsaber to the right. In a slow turn, the blade burnt a hole in the metal, and gooey drops of molten liquid dripped down to the floor below.

Before long, Sol's arms grew tired as she pulled the blade to reach its original plunge. Once the shape of Sol's escape was cut out of the door, Sol's saber slipped out of the hot mess with ease. She watched as the firey circle's insides dislodged and fell into the hallway. A loud clang was heard and despite its liklihood of alerting nearby storm troopers, Sol felt a great relief at seeing the light stream in from outside.

Sheathing her lightsaber, Sol ducked low to step through the hole in the door. The metal hissed past her ear as she lowered her head, and the echoes of the destroyer's alarm was a pleasant change to the training room's insolated blaring. 

With a look left and right, Sol prepared for armed storm troopers to turn corners and blast her with their stun guns. But when she remained on her lonesome in the hallway, Sol's shoulders rose and fell with the release of a deep breath.

Accismus⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.• Anakin Skywalker⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang