Chapter 4

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Adam was just called by Alpha Maxwell before he could come inside my room. I guess Alpha was trying to give me some alone time. It seemed that he was becoming fond of me instead of the person that I first met a couple of days ago. Adam told me, I was out for at least a day and a half. They were worried, but knew that I would be coming to, today.

I slipped into my bed, feeling rather dirty because I had not taken a shower in a long time... Maybe I could ask one of the boys if I could borrow a shirt and boxers? I still don't have any clothes on besides the sheets from the hospital room I was just in. It would really calm me down from what had happened in the past couple days. Getting a whiff of my armpits, I knew I needed a shower badly.

I push off the covers and walk to the door creaking it open a crack. I was guessing it was afternoon, but I couldn’t see no one around. The sky was starting to become dark, day light savings maybe? Tip-toeing to the closest door in the hallway, I knocked softly, but no one answered. I knocked one more time before taking a deep breath and shoving open the door. There was no one in the room, just my luck! I was just about to turn to walk out, but I heard a door open and a “Mari? What are you doing in here?”

I twisted back around to find the one and only, Samuel. I gave him a sheepish smile before I groaned taking in his appearance, knowing this was not going to end well. He was basically naked, the only thing that covered the worst parts, that would literally scar me for life was a small towel, hanging low on his hips. My eyes had lingered on his bare muscular chest, that had a 6 pack, no surprise there. All werewolves were fit, no matter how much you ate. You always run off all the calories when running in wolf form and shifting all the time.

“I hope you got photographic memory Mari, because I want you to remember all this, all day, everyday.” He gave me a smug look before inching closer, by inching closer I mean, taking rather long steps towards me. I was about to run like hell before he grabbed my elbow, pulling me inside the room and slamming the door shut and locked.

“Now where do you think you're going?” He leaned in closer to my face.

“I'm trying to find somebody else to go to for clothes because I don’t want to be stuck in a room with an arrogant pig!” I kicked him in the shins so I could make him let go of me a little, just enough to let me escape. But my plan did not work sadly, because when Samuel lost his balance, he took me down with him and since fate did not seem to be on my side today, his towel had slipped off. Luckily though, the sheets that covered me did not. We hit the ground with a Oomph and a loud banging sound, that seemed to bounce around the room.

“Ugh let me go!” Some how Samuel did not loosen his hold on me, except tighten it more.

“Nah, I think I like this position.” Samuel had lifted his head and smirked down at me. My head was laid on his chest that was wet by the way and I was going to be stuck here until the little mutt decided to let me go!

“You let me go or I'll-” Before I could finish saying my empty threat, there was loud banging on the door. I instantly panicked and squirmed on top of Samuel, who seemed to be calm and not worried what someone might think when they see the situation before them. Samuel naked and me with just a sheet covering my form...yeah we know what that will lead to. It was technically my first night here and I was already, 'hitting it off', with one of the pack members.

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