Chapter 13

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Not EDITED- Oh and great comments and amount of votes for the last chapter, hope that will happen for this one ;)

I am going to try and type this... and I hope it's good, so if it is, remember to tell me that it was!~ ;) Anyways, This chapter is dedicated to: Grimkitty101

If you guys haven't read my status or message box, please read it. I am now giving out dedications to those who vote first and comment. I know I should be giving it out to people who love and give me great feedback or something like that, but now A LOT of people like my book-thanks btw. So yeah more info on my message box.


'I wish it had been longer...' I mumbled inside my head. Max still stood in front of me and I was appalled that standing all fours, his head reached Ray's shoulder! I knew Ray and he was tall. Ray might have been around 6 foot something.

“Oh wait.. there's no point in talking since you guys are in wolf form!” Ray faked cheered. Then the smile vanished off his face and commanded, “Shift. Now.”

Max had growled and crouched low, in his fighting stance. I growled, but more quietly than Max. If we were to change I had no clothes, plus I don't think Max would like that.

'You better BET, I won't like that!' He snapped inside my head. I almost jumped at his voice, as alpha he could catch some thoughts that go through my head, but luckily not all of them.

'What are we going to do?' I stepped back when Ray's glare shifted to me. Ray didn't like when people disobeyed him. It didn't matter who you were or what title you had. It was either you obeyed his every word, or else you die. Not all alphas do what Ray does, but they do something similar.

'Keep your eyes on the target!' Max growled, which pulled me out of my thoughts of Ray. 'We are going to distract him.' This was something I was already expecting so I was already prepared.

'How? He had guards all over the place, and he would notice that something is up.. wouldn't he?' I pondered on how we might distract Ray. Distracting a simple wolf was easy, but an Alpha? Not so much....

'We are go-' His words were cut off when two wolves suddenly attacked him. I gasped, and gritted my teeth.

'What happened to keeping your eyes on the target!?' I yelled at Max, as he was fighting off the two wolves.

'Mari.... Behind you!' I turned around fast and dodged a claw swipe to my stomach. Looking up, I saw Ray's familiar wolf, it was a shaggy gray. I always liked it, but now, it was just plain out nasty. It seemed matted and was no longer the sleek soft fur that I used to always run my hands through. The situation at hand now was that Max was distracted and he couldn't protect me at the same time. Ray being the coward, he took the easy path of trying to kill me first, the less weak one. Nice plan, but pathetic at the same time.

I growled at him and pounced. He had fast reflexes and jumped around me. I saw his teeth coming just in time to duck before they snatched a hold of one of my ears. I tried to back up, but ended up running into a random door. Ray let out a mischievous wolf grin, he thought he had me trapped and I had nowhere to go. He thought that he was going to win this and I was going to submit.

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