Chapter 36 part 2 - Edited

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This chapter is dedicated to my other special editor, who I might say is very good at her job. This chapter is not edited as I promised in my status, but I have left you all waiting for so long! So here it is, the chapter you have all been waiting for!

Be ready to faint in this chapter guys! I almost cried a little. I added a little humor in for you :))

Chapter 36 Part 2:

Sudden alarm started to spread all over my face and he saw my stiffened stance. Max glanced at me for a couple seconds in concern before focusing back on the road, “Are you okay Mari?”

I cleared my throat and sat up straighter, “That depends... What is it that you want to tell me?” I fiddled with my hands that were starting to get clammy. I prayed silently to myself that it wasn't anything too bad.

I had an urge to twitch my eye when Max started to laugh. First he's serious, now he is practically dying from his own amusement. Heck! He might just get us killed! My eyes widened and I almost leaped onto Max's lap, so I could get control of the steering wheel. “Watch the road and calm down! You're going to get us both killed on our first date!”

Hearing that, Max sobered up and maintained his focus again. “Sorry about that Princess.” Then he smirked and said, “Mind getting off my lap?”

Immediately, I blushed and sat fully back in my seat. “Are you going to tell me or not?”

He was silent for a few seconds before responding, “Actually, it's more like a question.”

I scoffed, “And?”

“And... I will tell you when we arrive at the place for our date.” He grinned, happy with his answer; I was just disappointed; fed up, knowing that he wouldn't tell me even if I begged, and I turned around to face the window.

Soon after twenty minutes of silence, the trees I saw outside my window started to gradually slow down so that they weren't blurry anymore. When the car came to a halt, I was about to open my door when Max abruptly appeared on the passenger side, pulling open my door for me.

“This is the place, Princess.” He stared at me while I openly gaped at my surroundings.

It was the waterfall the boys and I went to. How did Max know about this? It wouldn't surprise me if Adam said something. He would do something like that; that boy was too sweet not to. I spun around and hugged Max tightly, “I love it! I love it so much, thank you!”

He laughed and squeezed my sides, “I knew you would.” Max pecked my lips once and broke from the embrace first. “Now come on, there's more.”

Max led me all the way to the hidden cave that was behind the waterfall. Once we were inside, my eyes grew big. The cave was decorated with lights and there was a table set for two in the middle. The table was full of different varieties of desserts, and there were two separate plates that had steaks and steaming mashed potatoes on each. Max sure knew how to woo a girl.

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